P2: Serpent Paul: 5 Contemptible Ways He Reversed God's Word (Hath God Said?)
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Join Doug at 12:00pm EST (Tuesday, November 12, 2024) on the JesusNotPaul/Acts channel for Part 2 of his explanation of how Paul manifested many satanic inversions to the Church by convincing Gentiles to ignore the Law of the Father, essentially in his arguments asking "Hath God said?" in the same way the serpent asked Eve when trying to persuade her to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Paul, with his long winded (and bogus) explanations to attempt to turn people from the commandments has caused millions to leave off obedience to the Word, and therefore, to neglect obedience to Jesus whom they claim as their Savior. In this podcast Doug will discuss the five most contemptible ways Paul did this to the Gentiles, even as they were joyfully coming to the faith and trying to convert away from the paganism of their fathers. Paul left them in a blinded, darkened state, drowning in the murky realm of relativism, being persuaded to ignore even knowing right from wrong, taking away from them the one thing that would provide them that knowledge, the Word of God (Torah and the Prophets) and the Words of His Son Jesus Christ. In essence, Paul started another pagan religion which causes the Believer to think that he can do anything he wants in "liberty," not realizing that sin, any sin (which is the breaking of the Commandments), puts a man in complete bondage. This podcast will contain many receipts so hope to see you then.
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This is going to be a wild ride, so climb aboard this podcast express.
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