Handyman's Don't Want You To Know This! Tips & Hacks That Work Extremely Well

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This time on “How to take much longer to do simple tasks”


с лезвиями для кофемолки это уже перебор, по идее должна быть пищевая сталь, или я что-то путаю =)


1st clip: Wasting SIX mangled nails to do the job that the TWO screws/bolts THAT CAME WITH THE CASTER would have done just fine.

2nd clip: If it wasn't cut level (and chances are it wasn't), shoving the blade in the cut and using a laser level is a waste of time and effort, and potentially a *very* costly mistake that won't manifest until well after it's too late to prevent from being a costly mistake.

3rd clip: Two different diameter covers were used, and if you need a jig to cut foam at 45 degrees, you shouldn't be allowed to use tools.

4th clip: Casing a lead does not require this workaround; it can be done just as easily by melting the solder on the exposed lead the same way anything else is soldered.

5th clip: Pig-tailing leads can be done by simply twisting them using locking pliers, which if you've come as far as exposing wires that need pig-tailing, you have locking pliers on-hand.

6th clip: Anyone else notice the dirty grout NOT getting any cleaner after the "lifehack"?

7th clip: They make these things called "foam knives" that are meant to cut foam that thick so that you don't have to grind down a saw-blade, potentially sending shrapnel flying all over your shop or into your eyes. Safety first!

8th clip: If you're using a staple gun on a solid 2x4, you're an idiot...and if you're using a staple gun, you're using a thicker gauge staple, so a desktop staple isn't likely going to do the job needed by the thicker gauge staple.

9th clip: -_- fuck outta here, child. Grownups are working.

10th clip: Finally, a halfway decent "lifehack". Though, there's these things called "squares", funny little tools with lips on them that are designed to do this exact kind of thing; but this would work in a pinch if you didn't have a square handy. Not bad.

11th clip: You can buy a bag of like 100 of those bolt-locks for like five bucks at your local hardware store. No need to waste time cutting and welding hardware together, and if you have the tools to cut a 316 steel washer and weld it to a nut, you likely have bolt-locks lying around somewhere!!!

12th clip: Never, ever, ever in the history of those little plastic pouring handles have I ever experienced one breaking. If you've experienced this, you're doing handles wrong.

13th clip: If you don't own a Dremel or a rotary/belt sander, then yeah, this will work, but if you're working on a project that would *require* such a tool, you're not going to be able to do nearly as good a job with gluing some 80 grit to a dowel and shoving it into your walmart-battery-powered Mikita. "Right tool for the right job" isn't just meaningless drivel...

14th clip: What's a spice grinder? Or even a fuckin' blender for that matter? Do they make those in Russia?

15th clip: Eh, nothing wrong with that; it's a toy/decoration. No judgement there, I kinda liked it and can see myself doing a project like that with my kiddo.


"Мастера рукожопы не хотят чтобы вы узнали их секреты" правильное название ролика.


Правильное название ролика: "мастера не хотят, чтобы вы использовали в реальной жизни подобную тупость и тем более не смотрели подобные ролики, способствующие деградации". Смотрите лучше людей, которые реально полезную информацию дают и хотя бы разбираются в технике безопасности


Все эти самоделки очень опасны в эксплуатации 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Как минимум вы разобьёте патрон шуруповёта, а в большинстве случаев получите травму. Видимо автор не знает что такое центробежная сила и что бывает при работе с неотцентрованным инструментом🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I have always wanted to complete a circuit by twisting the earth live and neutral together 👍🏼


This video teach you how to make simple things complicated.


A few of these ideas I've used in practice. Watching this video and seeing how it can be useful for many people is a very good thing.😄


По многим причинам правильные мастера просто надают штангенциркулем - это уж точно! ))


you misunderstand.. it is not the tools you have nor the tricks that gets you work it is your ability to use said tool in an efficient and effective way. People that get work can do good work..


1st "tip"- instead of using actual screws and doing the job correctly, come up with some bs that might work.

2nd- cut a hole in your wall so you can mount a laser instead of using a stand


Always good to be able to connect conductors, it solves the problem of them being insulated ; )


Практически все секреты бред воспалённого мозга. Единственный лайфхак с паяльником можно применять и то если нужно залудить кучу провода.


In what application would you ever spin the black wire the white wire and a ground wire all together as one that’s a fire


Some good ideas, but most of these are solutions in search of a problem.


As a handyman who’s never used many of these tricks, “oh no my secrets 😳😅”


Always liked watching these videos. You learn more each day, I don't care who says or thinks they know it all but I know as in my work ethics as cable installer, cnc mechanic, other fields in my time that no matter what age you are that you can always learn something new everyday.


Что за трэш?! В начале ролика - нельзя было саморезами прикрутить?? Дальше смотреть не стал


These are interesting ways to improvise, I may try one or two if I find myself without the proper tools.
Thanks for sharing!
