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Truth is the fire in which the ego burn. The human ego is nothing but a little child in an adult body
even small children can become presidents and act and continues to act like small children.
It is time to grow up!
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Recently I found out that behind the surface of who we see as Politicians, there is a lot of pain, unresolved trauma, horrible life experiences and basically an unaware human being...


Perhaps the deepest attachment is forgiving our parents for unconsciously robbing us of our natural delight and love in simply being. If we weren't finished off in childhood we certainly were in adolescence.
Now in one's 50's and realizing that one will never be free in attempting to resolve anything with them, nor in mentally imagining how things "should have been". One must simply be with the agonizing heartache, as intense as it is, and remain awake. Avoiding that pain by escaping into fantasy only continues the agony to though it may provide temporary relief.


What a lovely msg? Thank u so much Sir ....


So true. The ego is a little child afraid of monsters under the bed.


Do not be afraid, 😊this vidéo is liberating and even joyful


I think many politicians are allured to a sense of perceived power and control over others, rather than the more noble motives of responsibility for their nation's affairs and their people's wellbeing. That said, we all have some responsibilities. I do not expect a gradual or sudden awakening to fix any of this. It may just provide the light to choose more wisely what to commit myself to.


What does one child do when they grow up to find those around them are still children. He finds them lying and stealing and hurting each other. He or she could be horrified and angry with them or withdraw in silence. Silence my refuge and compass. The children play with their toys called “love” and “religions “ and “family, friends” and “security and safety”.
I do observe these toys, my ego delighted at the concept of them, but I still find myself laughing at it all. “I” am the silence the “I” withdrew to. Silence is


Hans, why do they "have" to do anything? And on top of that how could THEY possibly do that? Is it not that "you" don't become the Christ, the Christ becomes you"?... using "Christ" outside of the biblical concept. I don't think "we're " actually doing a damn thing. Particularly because there's no one here. 🤷


There is no mistaken when thruth strikes
