I Revisited An OLD AMAZING Gold Farm And.... (DISAPPOINTED!)

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Hey guys! In today's video, I go over an old gold farm that I used to farm a TON back in the day, but the results were... unexpected to say the least...

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Sorry to hear that the farm was disappointing, it can be frustrating when that happens. It is always good to have some open world farms available to do for when you are at lockout though, so it's good to know some good spots. I remember hearing about this spot being camped by bots, which may the the reason for it to be nerfed. Which is definitely unfortunate for those of us actually looking for awesome loot! Hope the next one spot has better results.


It's hard to come across good open world farms, they all get nerfed so heavily, I think the only good ones left are legion hold in old SMV, blade fury's command in Talador and the Desolace one that you told us about.


This spot has been a hotspot for bot farmers. It made it incredibly frustrating finishing the quest there and completing the zone achievement due to the 0, 1 seconds it took the boomkin bots to kill the mobs.

They probably nerfed this spot due to this because i am honestly surprised you found this spot empty


I have drops that are less than 1% drop rate and they still haven't sold in 5 years. And I know because I'm the only one with the item for sale and I've dropped the price down about 70% in the last 2 years and it still hasn't sold I can sell the entire Aurora set for less than 30k.


0.006 sale rate lol its like wining to lottery when you sell it


I would maintain an average of 8 to 11, 000 pieces on the auction house every day and when you only get a sale every 2 to 3 days for 50 or 100 k it's honestly just not worth it all the time you spent farming. Best advice I can give is find a role-playing realm or someone that's been seeking certain items if it's worth the coverage pay to have a round transfer and get on that realm and sell the items that you have but honestly exmark farming is a waste of time nowadays at least in my opinion


I think that spot was nerfed.. Mainly cause people where botting this spot


Transmog farms are complete garbage now I had over 9 million dollars worth of xmog on the auction house for almost 3 years and only sold about 2 million worth and I kept my sales at between 7 and 9 million worth whether it's purples blues greens whatever people want it it's just ridiculous on how low that it's falling I ended up scrapping every single piece of transmog I have except the ones worth over 100k blizzard has screwed transmog farming
