Stop Wasting Money On These Aquarium Products!

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This is definitely one of those hobbies that never is very cheap but more knowledge means saving money where it counts.


Lol Freshwater fish hobbyist: "fish keeping is Reef keeper: "hold my debit card"


I watched one of your videos before letting my daughter get a beta. Now I have a 5/15/29/2x55 gallon tanks. a warning that fish keeping can be addictive. Thank for all your help you and all the you tubers have made this so much more enjoyable.


Filter cartridges is one of the ones that I really agree with. When I first started out, I bought a 10 gallon kit. The kit came with a filter with nothing but one of those cartridges. Not being experienced and fish keeping, I read the instructions included with the kit and it said that the filter cartridge needed to be changed once a month. I didn’t know any better, so I set my tank up and cycled it, then I did exactly what I had been instructed to based on the instructions that were included. I wondered why my fish died constantly. Disheartened, and nearly ready to give up on fish keeping all together I did some research. I discovered that what I was doing was basically throwing away my biological media every month. Meaning that my tank had to cycle constantly, and the fish couldn’t handle it. I finally replaced the cartridge with media from an aquaclear filter, which absolutely changed the game. I have a sponge, bio balls and carbon in that filter, and it works like a charm! The filter is a cheap filter, and it hasn’t let me down in three years. Even during power outages it generally will start back up fine. Since then my 10 gallon aquarium has been one of the healthiest tanks I have. Most of the fish in that tank are over two years old, and one is over three. They are doing incredible! It was a combination of learning how to set up a filter to maximize my bio load and mechanical filtration, as well as how to select tank mates that would be compatible and would also help the aquarium as a whole. I’ve since added three more tanks, and I use the same filter design in each tank. Now I am looking at setting up a tiny nano community tank, and I am looking into sponge filters for that.


the bad part about keeping extra tanks around is then you want to get more fish and set up another aquarium.


When John said something along the lines of “we’re crazy! We’re the ones who have 20 tanks in our house and watch videos like this, ” I was in the middle of feeding my 5 tanks of fish...and that’s just in one room. Maybe we are crazy, and maybe we spend and sometimes waste a ton of money, but I think we can all agree that this hobby is immensely satisfying, it has taught us all so much, we have become experts in fish keeping, and fish are some of the most diverse, versatile, and beautiful creatures. Life is never boring when caring for 5-10+ tanks of fish. Life is good when all of our fish are happy and thriving, and when our tanks are well cared for. For that reason, I’d say we aren’t crazy...just passionate :-). We’re passionate about animals that are prevalent but incredibly misunderstood.


I bought a 3.50$ fish and I’ve spent over 150$ now I’m like what did I just start.


alien keeping a human as a pet: "humans are from Africa so i replicated the serengeti for him."
human: "uhhh but i'm from new york."


Thank you for recognizing that the casual, probably 1 tank aquarium owners, are the bulk of what is out there. It always gets frustrating when channels think the crazy obsessed are the majority when that isn't really the case.


I started with a $5 betta fish. I trusted a big chain pet store and thought a 2 gallon was okay, but he didnt look happy. So I bought a 10 gallon. Decided I wanted more fish. Got another 10 gallon tank and stocked it. I wanted it to look natural so I found driftwood. The piece I loved was too big. Now I have a 40 gallon tank in my small rent house 😅. Have been working on setting it up, researching fish, and talking to our not so local fish store (it is an hour away). It had been adding up quickly, but I am so in love. Hopefully when I graduate from college, my career will support my next tank project.


To add on to #3, my grandpa got me into fishkeeping and one of the things he told me that has always stuck is "You can never have too many tanks, but you can certainly have enough".


The only complaint I’d like to address is the fish community who seems to want to shame us little 5 gallon lovers into going out and buying some 10 or 20 gallon tank. 1. Don’t want a big tank, 2. In my little apartment?? 3. My property manager would beat me over the head if I dragged some huge tank in here 4. If I had the money I still wouldn’t want some huge tank and the water mess they’d make.


I had several tanks, from 44 gallons to 140 gallons, cichlids. My husband wasn't as exited as I was. We had a child etc and I stopped all together. I haven't left it all together but I feel a bit rusty. Now he's allowed me to get a 99 gallon tank. These videos are so good for me. Knowledge that's been buried in the deep oceans of my brain for such a long time get its way up to the surface again. Thank you!


I too agree about having extra tanks. I used to live in SoCal. One night I woke at 3 in the morning, for no reason, or so I thought at the time. I could hear from the bedroom the sound of running water. At first, I thought maybe one of my kids had left the water running in the bathroom. So I stumble down the hallway, and as I neared the bathroom, I could tell the sound was coming from the living room. I started walking towards the tank in the dark, and before I was 6 feet from the tank, I felt water on the floor. It seems my 88 long had cracked. I thought it was due to my two powerheads I had hooked up to an undergravel filter (remember those ?). Turns out we had a 4.2 earthquake and that was what woke me up. I had no extra tank at the time, so I filled a garbage can with a trash bag, and filled it for my fish. What a long night that was.


OMG you made me feel so much better when you were talking about hoarding your fish stuff! I keep extra parts and attachments and decor, etc because it's come in handy so many times! This hobby is expensive and having old heaters or filter motors stuck in a tote can save the day when something breaks down. So glad I'm not the only fish hoarder


It took my anxiety away so it worth every dollar.


I had a bunch of aquariums when I was in high school. We even had an aquarium club at my school I was part of. We had a teacher who was very supportive and let us repurpose unused supplies from the science department. On top of my aquariums at home we had a bunch on the go in the science dept. Unfortunately after high school with moving around and travelling I had to keep downsizing. It's been a long time since I've had an aquarium and want to get one in January (new year, new hobby). your videos are so helpful. I can't believe how much I forgot. Thankyou


OMG! I thought I was an average aquarium person, now I find out I'm a crazy - "up a level crazy." Haha! My wife tells me she already knew, others knew. I was apparently the last to know! Thanks KGT!


I will pay a percentage higher and drive 30 minutes to purchase anything I can from my local fish stores. I believe it is very important to support them and continue those relationships with owners. Thanks for the video!
