3 Ways to Use the Memory Palace Technique For Language Learning

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Wondering how to use the Memory Palace technique for language learning?

You're in luck because I'm going to show you three of the best hacks.

And when you pay attention, you'll be rewarded with a fourth.

The important thing is to check out the mnemonic examples, but not get hung up on them.

Because when we memorize vocabulary, it works best when we learn how these mnemonics work and create our own associations.

That's why today I've shared mine related to my journey with learning Chinese vocabulary. Here's more on that with multiple language learning tips:

Listen, learning a foreign language is definitely a challenge. But it never has to be a chore.

That's why using a Memory Palace for learning a foreign language is such a key strategy.

Some people go in denial of this, and that's fine. In the Magnetic Memory Method community, we have all the proof and scientific research we need.

And to make sure you don't miss a thing, check out these...

--- Additional Resources ---

Ars Combinatoria:

How to Learn and Memorize the Vocabulary of Any Language:

3 Please let me know if you've found this video and these additional resources helpful.

I look forward as always to our discussions in the comment section and thank you for your support.

3 EASILY Solved Reasons You Get Bored With Mnemonics [Bonus: How to Memorize Spelling]:

How To Improve Your Memory with Mnemonics:

Mnemonics: Still Your Dear Friend:

Mnemonics Memory Tricks To Remember Anything:

Memory Training Consumer Awareness Guide:

Memorize Middle East Countries in Less than 5 Minutes:

Visual Mnemonics Vocabulary Strategy:

A Memory Palace in Fiction?:

GRE word list!! MEMORIZE these words with mnemonics:

Mnemonics by Gaeri Summer:

Car Crash Survivor Michael Gusman Talks About Mnemonics And Brain Trauma:

Mnemonics for medical school:

How to Memorize English Prefixes and Suffixes [4 Detailed Mnemonic Examples]

How to Stop Overthinking The Memory Palace Technique

Mnemonic wizards: incredible feats of memory:

Free Memory Training Guide:

How to Memorize | How to Remember Names | Memory Speaker

Memorize Concepts Using Memory Palaces:

How To Remember More of What You Read with Simple Memory Tricks:

More Memory Tricks

Memory Techniques: The Memory Palace System:

Greek Alphabet: It's Easy To Learn The Greek Alphabet With Mnemonics:

Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do TED Talk:

How to become a Memory Master: Idriz Zogaj at TEDxGoteborg:

A Matrix of Memory Palaces:

FREE Memory Improvement Kit:

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If you enjoyed this video on memory training and mnemonic memory techniques, please help others by adding some captions.

Thanks as ever for the convo in the discussion and talk soon! :-)


You know, I’d learned the memory palace decades ago, but somehow I haven’t been using it for my own recent language study (coincidentally, also Chinese, though the Taiwan version). Yes, I’d forgotten the memory techniques.
But then Bill Shatner shows up here, and I’m looking forward to engaging them again! Thanks for the boost!
(Came here from Olly’s channel, btw)


A fantastic practical use for the memory wheel. Great to see!


Kind of off track here, but I've been watching Hannibal The Series on Netflix. At about halfway through Season 2 Episode 13, they start talking about a memory palace and transformation. Never saw that coming!


thank you very much, I kinda struggle creating mneonics for words, this video helped a lot


Awesome video.
I will need to go back and watch the Ars Combinatoria video!

Even though modern techniques may be more applicable for certain situations/concepts, I don't see any harm or anything with learning about what the "masters" did in in the past.
I think the old saying goes "on the shoulders of giants" (or something like that would apply here.

PS- happy new year!


I have just found you today. Just some insight into my background. I have been learning Mandarin for about 8+ months (not seriously, mostly 20 minutes a day and I miss some days or even weeks of no learning due to being overwhelmed with the slow progress).

I have been told by many Chinese friends that my pronunciation is excellent (I spent most of my time shadowing native speakers and I feel I sometimes forget the correct tones to words I know so I'm sure I'm not always correctly pronouncing words) however, my vocabulary is TERRIBLE. I only know about 700 or so words and frequently forget some of them since I don't have a memory palace to recall them but I'm just trying to recall them from translating Mandarin to English in my head and then speaking, which causes not only slower speaking but stuttering or stammering. My problem was I was trying to directly translate them from my native English tongue. This was painfully slow and also makes speaking sentences much slower as I try to translate them from English in my head. After struggling and researching so many language learning methods, I heard about associating words with images instead of directly trying to translate them and I came across your channel. It usually takes me a few days to correctly memorize a word.

It doesn't help that Mandarin uses many of the same words for different meanings and with different tones (remembering the tones is my problem so the samurai with the sword and time is a very interesting technique to me). Just by watching your video I already associated Tommy Lee in a tutu jumping on Frank Sinatra's shoulders and the movie ran and I already know the word 突然 Túrán (suddenly) in Mandarin and have no problem recalling it. The most amazing this wasn't even in my head it was from your own example so the possibilities are endless! The only thing that really kept me from fully learning Mandarin is the vast amount of vocabulary along with the tones which really slowed down my learning but from now on I will use your technique.

I hope to check back in with you a couple months from now to see how far I've progressed. In just watching 2 videos from you I've learned way more than all those COUNTLESS hours I've watched polyglot YouTubers that tell you how to study using so many complicated techniques. Thank you, good sir, for giving me a new outlook on learning and putting it in a much more fun way!

Who would have thought learning the word 突然 would be fun! I've always looked at learning as a chore that's why my progress has been so slow. From now on ill put a fun twist into words.

Just an example. I always have the problem remembering the word Rènwéi (认为) to believe/feel)
From now on I will think of the model runway (it sounds similar to renwei) and R-Kelly walking down it while singing I believe I can fly.

As you said since there are so many famous people/pop culture/movies and things we can associate this is really helping me big time!!

I have subscribed and will watch many more of your videos to come!


Very interesting the shadow conection.


For tones, I use a bright aura for the straight tone, and object falling the falling tone, a vibrating shaking up and down for the ả and ã tone, a marble hitting between the legs or stomach for the mạ tone. And a floating up to a (super Mario item box) for rising tone. It's for vietnamese tho. :)


I'm gonna start applying this method to my learning, thank you ❤😍


Hi sir how are you? Merry Christmas and happy new year btw
Im trying to learn japanese and I'm interested at the ancient art of memory, right now im learning katakana and hiragana and im using this technique too.

Anyways, Keep safe sir!


I’m trying to learn Russian and the only thing i remember is да (yes), нет (no), and привет (hi), i wanna try the memory palace technique and it’s kinda working. just need to work on finding new places in my palace haha


One of my learning goal is to memorize an English dictionary.Are you saying I’ve to study foreign language so I can fulfill this learning objective?

Thank you.


It seems that everything I imagine for studying is person based?Is this a problem?What can I do to increase imagination?It would be a great help if you could suggest an easy method.(Exam is in 1 month)


I've tried the memory palace method before for learning a new language and find that tying things to both my native language and the target language causes me to essentially translate in my head what I want to say and what I hear rather than thinking in the target language only. Something that has been helping me recently is labeling everything in my house in only the target language so I experience them all the time in my daily living. It isn't a perfect method because there are things I don't necessarily see regularly, but for many things it seems to work well, even if I do have post-its, labels, and index cards all over my house. Perhaps I am not doing something correctly with the memory palace.


I've put books in a library in my mind palace for some sort of information, I could remember the information even after 2 weeks but I am doubtful of having it in my mind palace, is it ok to have it in my mind palace?I mean like is it necessary?will my information be safe in it?


do i have to use one memory wheel for each word? or can I use the same wheel for more than one word?


Do you speak portugues .I would like to understand your video better. Because I am learning English, and it is not all I understand


I was watching a person who was trying to learn the periodic table. At one point in the video he started layering his images, does layering work in the MMM family?


I have this problem where some of the the mental images i create are not potent enough to cause em to stick to my memory. Is keeping practicing making associations the best way forward for me or is there anything else I should try..?
