10 Surprising Things To Know About Autism

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Autism is often misunderstood, so I'm sharing 10 things about autism and the autistic experience that everyone should know. And after watching, let us know in the comments ⤵️ what surprised you, questions you still have, and anything you'd add to this list of things you wish everyone knew about autism. NOTE: This video is based on research, my own lived experiences, and shared experiences of other autistic people. The experience of every autistic person is unique and individual - as you'll learn in this video!

#chrisanddebby #actuallyautistic

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-- NOTE: This is about SO much more than therapy!! Highly recommend for anyone who is autistic or wants to learn more about how it feels to be AuDHD




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⏰ Timestamps:
0:00 - Intro
0:14 - No. 1 - DSM-5 Updates to Autism
0:55 - No. 2 - ADHD & Autism
1:44 - No. 3 - Autism vs. Introversion
3:09 - No. 4 - Coexisting Medical Conditions
3:41 - No. 5 - Hypo/Hypersensitivity of Autism
5:50 - No. 6 - Real Purpose of Stimming
7:19 - No. 7 - Unique Combination of Autistic Traits
8:14 - No. 8 - Jobs that Recognize Benefits of Autism
8:57 - No. 9 - Autistic from Birth
9:21 - No. 10 - Diversity within Autism Spectrum
9:55 - Outro


I'm Chris and alongside Debby, my brilliant partner, we've traveled, taught kids and families, founded companies, and navigated the world while also balancing both autism and ADHD as a neurodiverse duo.

Whether it's better understanding the autistic mind, getting productivity tips for ADHDers, neurodiverse relationship hacks and travel tales, or just a peek into our everyday life, we've got a lot to share. So if you want to join a community that's all about improving lives, you're in the right place. Give a thumbs up if you enjoy the video, drop your thoughts in the comments, and hey, maybe consider subscribing? Cheers to a better life!


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So after watching, tell us ⤵️ what surprised you, what questions you still have, and anything you'd add to this list of things you wish everyone knew about autism!


It will make me very happy when these researchers finally figure out we are just humans whose brains work differently than the majority...and it's only a "disability" when society makes it one by not supporting our needs...like having clean Ubers in your case. It's just the way some of us are...like some are gay, and some are redheads, or left handed dominant.


The hip thrusting cliff edge part got a legit LOL out of me. 😂


Always love your videos! I feel the need to point out that introverts can also enjoy being around (the right) people and getting attention. The difference is that extroverts recharge their batteries with social interaction, whereas introverts are drained and need alone time to recharge. I think that is really misunderstood in general.


I only learnt I was autistic recently (in mature age) and I am so happy to finally fit in somewhere.


Just yesterday I had a health professional say to me, "aren't we all a little bit Adhd these days?" As the conversation progressed, I mentioned I had the old school experience conflicting diagnoses of adhd and autism. She responded with, "Oohhh, you've been diagnosed." Not the first time this conversation has happened with medical professionals though sometimes it's just an eye roll.


I wish I could get diagnosed, but they only have testing in my area for 12 year olds and under. But I KNOW that I have autism. Oh my goodness I laugh with what you are saying because so many things I see in myself. It’s actually gotten more pronounced as I’ve gotten older. But I believe that is because of the trauma that I’ve gone through. I used to be high masking. I had headaches ALL the time. Now, I allow myself to just get out of stressful situations. I’m an introvert.
Thanks so much for these videos. I just came across them yesterday for the first time.


These videos help me to stop blaming myself for being sensitive and hyper focused and missing social cues and burning out and melting down and accept myself instead. This has really improved my quality of life because I now realize it's ok to do the things that make me feel ok so I stopped pushing myself to act and talk like other people my age and adapt and accommodate. I thought I was a bad person, just I'm just neurodivergent. So it's good to do self-care because then I can adapt and thrive. And it's giving me hope that I'll be able to find a career. Thank you!


I personally think that Autism is nature playing with evolution, I think we are the first tries of natures for the next human evolution. I saying it because of the moral compass that we have as a build in feature.


I’m so glad I found this channel. I was diagnosed in February this year, just prior to turning 40.

I wish I knew and understood this earlier in life. It certainly explains a lot.

Self taught:

- Guitar
- Bass
- Dobro
- Mandolin
- Can play a banjo and piano if you give me a few minutes to put the sounds together
- Software Developer
(And more)


I just laughed out loud, thankfully I'm just sitting here with my dog. You're hilarious. Thank you for your videos; they are so helpful. We have a family member with level 2 Autism, and this helps me understand so much better.


I'm born with Triple-x syndrome, I was diagnosed while I was still in my mothers bbelly, they got the option to abort me, cause in the 90s they were like *danger danger* she may be autistic, but it was my parents last chance of a kid, as my mother already was in her late 30s and had a miscarriage a few years before me, after 3 kids.. So all my life I struggled in social enviroments and school, as I was often taken out of math, reading and language classes cause I couldn't keep up with my fellow peers and got easily overwhelmed. To be taught on a smaller team, and than put back in my own class and still had to do the homework that I had no clue about, cause I was just trying to learn and catch up, thats how it felt my first 18 years of life, as I ended up dropping out of high school, than my mother send me to a therapist with a letter in hand, that read "please my daughter is lazy, please fix her", my parents oversaw and just listened to my teachers and doc that i would grow out of it all of my life. Instead of seeking professional help for my struggles, i worked best in Art class and social studies cause it was actually interesting, but sadly my parents wouldn't let me go that way for school cause it wouldn't bring in any money they said, and the quiet kid that been taught your elders knows best, listened ofc. So today i'm 34 and stuck in this constant loop of emotions, and trauma from my childhood and past relationships cause managed to get attracted to the wrong type of ppl (cause apparently I was trying to seek approval, of being good enough). I know i have undiagnosed ADHD and Autism, I've talked with therapist that also thinks I have complex- ptsd plus other stuff. But sadly trying to get ahold of psych in this day and age is impossible, cause we have 130 of them and 300k+ ppl that need a psych (2 years waitlists and if you say you have adhd ref they wont take you cause its not condemned life threatening here), so I have called every single one, I hate phonecalls btw, takes a lot of energy. I have stumbled through my entire 20s, and first now realizing in my 30s that I need help, but no professional here in Denmark wants to listen to me :( I have alot of the issues you mention with Autism, and ADHD.

I'm very grateful for your content, and feel that you give us invisible children/adults a platform to share and reflect, and feel less alone. And understood, so Thank you.


I, too, was diagnosed with ADHD well before I was diagnosed with any form of autism, and for the same reason: it was far more obvious. But I’d like to address something else in the video: the date of 2013 for the changeover to “ASD” from “Asperger’s Syndrome.”

On one hand, I do want to thank you for accurately portraying the intended reasons for the change in the DSM-V, and for not linking it by mistake to any controversies surrounding the life of Dr. Hans Asperger (which were not publicized until 2018). That over-hyped misinformation has actually gotten autistics taunted online, especially if we have doubts about the change (as some people do). However, I have to point out that the change was only *proposed* in 2013, not enacted until the DSM-V was published with the change in 2015. Thank you.


I braid my nose hair. Sometimes I put beads on them. And sometimes I make up stuff, just like atoms do.


I had the joy of growing up with a narcissistic mother that hated me for being different than my cousins. To this day she would rather tell people that I am a problem rather than autistic. I find it kind of strange how many autistic males have similar stories.


I have high functioning autism and ADHD (im almost 16), im definitely doing a lot better in daily life now than i was, lets say 4-5 years ago. I had a speech therapist for about 3-4 years through elementary and middle school.

The one thing that affects me most is really loud noise. I HATE IT. When my school has these "pep rallies", everyone, and i mean EVERYONE in my school is there, yelling and cheering while im just there hating the noise, i get a headache every time i go to one, because i have to.

Emotionally, kinda eh rn, broke up with my ex a couple days ago and not sure how to feel about it. Anyways great video :)


I am glad that you made this video. My oldest son, who was born in 2000, was only diagnosed with ADHD. My younger son, born in 2007, was diagnosed several years ago with AuDHD. My older son is obviously on the autism spectrum and I have felt like I did something totally wrong with the diagnosis process back when he was little. I guess it was just that their 7 year age gap made all of the difference and a major change in the DSM.


Yep, having autism and ADHD is a crazy mixture brother I understand


I can walk around on a broken foot but am so sensitive to noise 😅


That skit about hip-thrusting off the cliff totally made my day lol. That was really funny.
