Things You Will ONLY See in Canada

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These weird things only exist in Canada, proving canada is a unique country. You will only see these weird things in canada!

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I live on beautiful Vancouver Island BC Canada. Our Country is wonderful. Our people are so kind.
For all you younger people....we did have bags of milk with a plastic jug you put them in, many years ago. Peace!


Milk in bags are only on the eastcoast we have milk in jugs on the west coast


3:25 Polar bears are not everywhere. My husband has travelled all over Canada (even into the far north) and he's never seen a polar bear.

Canada has "normal" milk too! We have cartons and plastic jugs of milk just like America.


There were some cringe worthy inaccuracies here. Timmy’s is not a convenience chain, it’s a coffee and donut chain. You really butchered Nanaimo and no, not everyone eats that overly sweet monstrosity. Unless you live up north, you won’t see a polar bear unless you go to a zoo. You might see grizzlies and black bears though. Maple syrup is not ubiquitous throughout Canada as it is produced in Quebec and parts of Ontario. That gum that tastes like soap is rarely ever seen outside candy stores, if at all.


I'm slightly disappointed that the worlds highest tides in the Bay of Fundy didnt make the list.


The delicious dessert bars are pronounced "Na-ny-mo" bars. Buttertart may have raisins inside or not. People argue about that. Canada is the second largest country in the world, geographically. Ninety percent of our population lives within 100 miles of the American border. We also have a small volunteer military so every soldier is cross-trained in at least two jobs. Sorry.


I am very glad to see there countries in the world. That are kind enough to make bridges for animals to cross the road safely. As a huge animal lover I really love that. Now if only my country does the same thing. Most especially where I live.

Any way this video makes me envy my one older cousin who lives in Canada. Along with his 2 daughters and his Canadian girlfriend. He is originally from New Jersey. I live in Pennsylvania a state that is sort of near Canada. Well it is if you live near Lake Eerie. Which I don't. But I wish here in the U.S. has those kinds of pastries. But we used to have milk that came in bags. I remember as a kid my now late grandmother used to get them. This one farm store where live used to sell them like that. This is going back to the 80s. Now most milk in my country comes in plastic milk containers or in cartons. And


Ya as a Canadian i can tell you that we have so many immigrants that 90% of what you listed became a minority/non existent... I will go as far as to say i don't know a single person but myself who eats anything maple related (and i meet hundreds of people weekly)
McDonald's is the most popular food chain right now and most thing are very asian


Correct pronunciation of Nanaimo: Nan-I'm-Oh. Then just run it together.


In Bulgaria, the milk also used to come in bags.


I haven't seen a BAG of Milk in like; over TEN YeArS!


Agree with most them but here in nova scotia we dont get many polar bears lol love my timmies coffee tho and my lil girl loves the mac n cheese.


Alexa give me the shortest direction to Canada

Edit: I said alexa also because her name is alexa


What the duck did you just call a Nanaimo?


The milk in bags we have in England too


I'm from Canada like if you are to


Bahahaha I love how you butchered saying the Nanaimo bar!!! Lmao I’m Canadian I use to live in Nanaimo!!! All good most people don’t know how to say Nanaimo. 😊😊😊


I’m Canadian and I have lived here my whole life, and I have never EVER heard of milk in a bags! < it’s not true


6:29 I have seen many of these in Europe!


Tim Horton's aka "Timmy's" is no longer a Canadian owned company, its owned by Burger King now, and they screwed up by dropping the original coffee source for a cheaper product and McDonald's snatched up the coffee supplier... so McDonald's now has the best coffee here. And the first location was started and still is in my city, Hamilton, Ontario. It was started by the late NHL player Tim Horton and his friend Ron Joyce.

Canadian Tire built that ridiculous truck to promote their battery line.

I am 50 and born and raised in Canada and have Never seen a polar bear, that was not in a book or on TV.

Maple syrup is not even in our kitchen... we prefer Aunt Jemima.
