'I'm Blown Away!' Mario Lopez Moved By Ancestor's Immigration Story | Finding Your Roots | Ancestry®

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00:00 Introduction
0:55 Mario Lopez surprised by grandfather’s immigration story
2:39 How Mario Lopez’s grandfather became a US citizen

Thanks to parents and grandparents etc who did all they could to make life better for their children/grandchildren.


Mexicans have always been in this country even before most of it was stolen from Spain and Mexico and have native blood indigenous to North America ✊🏾


My great grand father traveled about 12 miles and settled in Texas around 1900. But the region he lived never changed, was part of Mexico, then became the United States. Because of the Mexican revolution, he sold his diary farm and moved across the new border between Texas and Mexico


i think of how my ancestors came from ireland and scotland and how difficult it must have been for them. my heart thanks them.❤️🌸


Wow. This is so moving. My husband and I migrated our family here in Australia two years ago. I guess I should document our journey for our future descendants to look back on! 😍


Doctor Gates is one of my heroes! I have tremendous respect for all he has accomplished in his life and for the great service he has done for human-kind.


Didnt expect his family to be from Sinaloa lol thats pretty cool 🇲🇽 beautiful state


It's too bad it wasn't mentioned, that his grandfather was deported during "Operation Wetback". The workers that has toiled during WW2 were suddenly no longer welcome. My father was deported during that time . he also later re-entered in 1957, and that's when I was born in San Diego, california.


He looks like his grandfather. Wonderful story. 💖


Mario Lopez family is from Sinaloa, Mexico. A very beautiful state, incredible looking women, the food is unbelievable.


I’m sorry but that opening line about his paternal grandpa coming to America from Mexico is all wrong. Mexico is America, North America to be exact. His grandparents have Native/Indigenous American DNA. Look at Mario, he looks pretty indigenous to me. Most so called Mexicans are a mixture of Native American and Euro DNA, some African to an extent. Don’t forget the over 90-100% Native Americans that also reside in “Mexico”. We need to stop with this Mexico bs and call it what it really is. Native Americans .


Mexicans didn't come here, they were already here on Turtle island or Anahuac in nahuat before the Euros came to steal the landl. I bet that most Mexicans have native blood not only from tribes from the area of Mexico but from tribes as far north as Alaska and everywhere in between. That would explain why we all look so much alike wouldn't it?


I’ve been told that I look like Mario Lopez and once you said Hanford, CA that is where my mom and her side of the family resided and still do to this day. L🤣L! How funny is that, I wonder if we share any DNA. It IS a very small town.


California will always be Mexican 🇲🇽🇲🇽 since 1821🇲🇽🇲🇽


Dear white people, (I am writing this and I am white too), we also immigrated to the United States and our ancestors stories are also usually filled with hardship and crap. Don't hold it against people that you forgot or were never told the stories of your ancestors. In our past almost all of us were considered garbage. The family lineages that don't know of this were hated by their peers.

I mourn the stories we will never hear.


This is a great story of hardship and perseverance. Remembering our individual and collective past hopefully will bring our country closer together. We live in a time in our Country where the economic elite who rule over us pit us against one another by race, gender national origin… etc in their quest to rule the world. The story of humanity is the story of struggle and therefore we should have compassion for ourselves and for others.


Aweee, he looks so much like his granpa 💖


I’ve been doing my family tree for up to 4 years now and I’ve made some astonishing discoveries on my maternal side. I’ve traced my mum’s side of the family back to nobility and royalty. I found out that my 14 times great grand aunt was Jane Seymour, who married Henry VIII. Edward VI is my 1st cousin 15x removed and I’m a 22nd Great Grandson of Edward III through my 15th Great Grandmother Margery Wentworth. I’ve been so excited to discover these things and I couldn’t thank you enough for giving me the answers that I’ve needed to trace my family. Love your show, really inspiring ❤


I am ver y proud of my ancestor I am originally from Dominican Republic and my grandfather was a historian and wrote a book about one side of our ancestors that were black and my grandfather was really white but he was very proud of them because they fought for the independence of our country against the invasion we had for 22 years from Haiti and also when I was living in Spain I found the origin of my mother’s father that not one knew and more people were looking from what part of Spain were our ancestors and maybe because I grew up with this people I developed the interest to know more about where I come from


He is best known as, AC Slater in saved by the bell. A sitcom of the 90s.
