WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 08, 2025 - Podcast Archives

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The Resurrection
The Resurrection fills the world with hope, as Christ rises triumphant over sin and death. He triumphed! And you, do you really believe you cannot overcome your obstacles with His help? The same power that raised Him from the tomb is alive in you. Cast aside your doubts and fears. With Him, no sin is too great to conquer, no burden too heavy to bear. Rise with Christ each day, embracing the new life He offers you with trust and courage.

The Ascension
At the Ascension, Jesus returns to the Father, lifting His eyes to Heaven and inviting us to follow. Seek the things that are above! Aspire to heavenly glory while faithfully fulfilling your duties here on earth. Every moment, every task, is a step on the path to Heaven. Let your heart be anchored in eternity, even as your hands labor in the present. Your work, sanctified by love, becomes a ladder to the heights where Christ awaits.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Descent of the Holy Spirit is the birth of the Church, the moment when fearful hearts are transformed into bold witnesses. The Holy Spirit gives strength to those who open their hearts to Him. Invoke Him often! In your weakness, He brings power. In confusion, He brings clarity. In fear, He brings courage. Invite the Spirit to guide your every thought, word, and action, and watch as He fills your life with the fire of divine love.

The Assumption
The Assumption of Mary is the fulfillment of God’s promise to His most faithful daughter. Her Assumption assures us that Heaven is our true home. Mary is our shortcut to Heaven. Trust her completely. Entrust your cares, your struggles, and your joys to her maternal heart. She will lead you swiftly and safely to her Son. In her arms, you will find peace and the confidence to persevere on your journey toward eternal life.

The Coronation of Mary
The Coronation of Mary reveals the glory that awaits all who follow Christ. She is crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth, yet she waits for us, her children, to join her joy. In Heaven, our Mother awaits us with her crown. Strive for holiness to share in her joy. Every act of love, every sacrifice made for God, is a jewel in your own crown. Fix your eyes on Heaven, where Mary reigns and where she longs to welcome you as her own.
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