Who Is Jesus?

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Who was Jesus? Why did He have to die on the cross? This video by God Stuff Explained tells about who Jesus Christ was and what the Bible says about God's only Son.

You might know someone who calls Jesus their SAVIOR or say the "Got Saved." "Saved from what?" you thought.

Well, have you ever done something you knew was wrong? Maybe you LIED, STOLE, or CHEATED on a test. Even the best people have done some things wrong in their life.

Have you ever done something wrong to a good friend? There are consequences to your relationship - like SEPARATION. A lot of times to make things right, you have to go to your friend, say you are sorry and ask them to FORGIVE you. Luckily, your friend does forgive you and the relationship is restored.

The Bible is a book about our relationship with God. It has some Good News and Bad News. The bad news is that the wrong things in our lives have consequences beyond this world.

The first consequence is SEPARATION from the God who made us and loves us. Because God is holy, our imperfections separate us from having a relationship with him.

The other consequence is where you will spend ETERNITY. After you die, where will you go? Heaven and hell are real places, and what you decide during your life on earth does affect your life after death.

The Good News is that God has a plan. That is where Jesus comes in.

God loves you, and He sent his only son, Jesus. He is called "Christ" because He is the one God promised from the beginning of mankind.

While Jesus was on earth, he did many extraordinary things demonstrating God's love...

He healed the sick,
He gave food to the poor,
He taught us to Love One Another even as God loves us.

He also did and said some RADICAL things...like "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

He said he was God's Son sent to save us. We need to be saved because we deserve SEPARATION from God. And because God is Holy, our separation from Him means that we cannot go to HEAVEN - the eternal home God has prepared for us.

Jesus is God's Plan to save us. Jesus died in our place. He paid the price we owed when he died on the CROSS.

Then Jesus miraculously rose from the dead - defeating DEATH and SIN once and for all.

Why did Jesus have to die?

So that..."Everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life" - John 3:15

So who is Jesus? Jesus is God's free gift to you

If you BELIEVE in Jesus and RECEIVE His payment on the Cross for the debt you owned, you will be RESTORED into relationship with GOD.

Heaven WILL BE your eternal home.

Will you receive God's gift of Jesus Christ?
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Jesus is my Lord my Savior. Thank you Jesus<3


Jesus is the son of God and my saviour. I was brought up in a family practicing ancestor worship and Buddhism. I have read books about Buddhism since I was young. When I was 8, I started asking questions about God because I was a victim of school bullying. Whenever I was bullied in school, I used to lock myself in my room and slept with a knife underneath my pillow. I felt really hurt to be called names. That’s why I had suicidal thoughts since young.

I asked my dad what is my life purpose? My dad couldn’t answer me but he asked me to try to talk to God. That’s how I started talking to God every time after I was being bullied. I would cry out in sadness and I would also blame God for my sufferings. I did not understand why I was picked and being bullied by others. In my adulthood, I was ill-treated by some Christians; I was not open to Christianity for more than 14 years.

Looking back when I was 18, I started to dream which my dream came true but my dad passed away in my dream and in reality. Now at my 40, I still have dreams and visions that come to pass. Before I know Christ, I thought Buddha and few other God / Goddess were true God. There were many times in my life others have tried to tell me about Christianity and Jesus Christ but I refused to listen. I refused to listen because of my past experiences with some hypocrites Christians. I refused to know about Jesus Christ.

When I was 21 (Yr 1998), I fell in love. I had stopped talking to God in my 10 years relationship with a man. However, after 10 years (Yr 2008), the man I loved left me because of a Christian lady. My hatred towards Christian grew stronger. I wanted to end my life but knew it’s not right. In 2009 God has sent someone to take me to church but my heart was harden and I still chose to believe in Buddhism and karma teaching.

In late 2014, I befriended someone online and resigned from my job to be with him. However, it was an online scam and that man cheated me. Again, my suicidal thoughts came back to haunt me. I have planned to end my life in December 2014. Before, I did the wrong choice, I cried and called out to all the gods / idols that I used to worship. I called out to Buddha, Kwan Yin, Allah and Jesus. I pleaded, “If there is a true God, please reveal to me. If not, I will end my life.”

One month later in January 2015, I had a dream of a man in white robe taking me for a walk around in ancient city. His robe was so white and bright. I didn’t look at his face as His hand was holding on to my right hand. I was very calm and at peace walking next to Him. There were also a few men in light brown robes walking behind us. I woke up feeling good although I did not understand the dream. I tried to google search for the ancient city, but I couldn’t find it.

In the same month, I had a nightmare and I saw an evil looking black transparent shadow (in the form) of a well-built man stood behind me and touching my neck until my chest. I tried to wake up from my sleep but when I woke up, I couldn’t move. I shouted for help but there was no voice. When I could eventually run out of my room, I saw the same black figure standing in my living room looking at me. I was horrified and I shouted: ”Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!” Once my mom opened her bedroom door and stepped out the evil shadow disappeared. My mother and sister said they didn’t hear I was shouting for help. I was very frightened and couldn’t sleep for 3 nights because it was too real.

On 14th April 2015 morning, I cried out to God again to reveal my purpose in life. Then I thought about a college friend whom I had not seen for 16 years. We got connected through Facebook. She invited me to church. I agreed as I was searching for some answers to find out my life purpose. I had already tried numerology, astrology, tarot card reading and even consulted a medium. But I failed.

After attending a Sunday church service on 19th April 2015, I wanted to know who is Jesus Christ then on 26th April 2015, I watched a 1979 movie about Jesus Christ in Youtube. In that movie, Jesus wore a white robe and His disciples were in light brown robes, but that didn’t trigger my memory of my dream until Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I was so shocked to hear about this. As this is what I wanted to know. But I told myself not to believe too soon.

There was a scene where God, Prophet Elijah and Prophet Moses were talking to Jesus on the mount of Transfiguration then I saw Jesus’s robe became so white and bright. I said to myself it’s the man I saw in my dream. Again, I tried to convince myself it shouldn’t be Him then, I continued to watch.

When it came to the latter part of the movie, I cried uncontrollably when I saw Jesus carrying a cross and walking around the ancient city just like in my dream the man in white robe was taking me to walk with Him. I saw the exact ancient city in my dream came alive which I couldn’t find from my google search as soon as I woke up back in January 2015. I then whatsapp my friend to ask her will Jesus reveal in people’s dream? She said yes. She told me to google and I found there’s many non-believers dreamt about Jesus. I was speechless as it took me 3 months to know the man in white robe was Jesus. Jesus has sent my friend to take me to church that’s why my friend used to tell me it’s divine appointment which I didn’t know when I first stepped into the church.

The next day 27th April 2015, I went on a trip to Sri Lanka where I fell very sick and did not sleep for 4 nights in a row. I had headache, fever, sore throat, cough, flu, menstrual pain and nose bleed. I had no medication. I cried out to God and asked if He sent me there to die? Somehow, I was reluctant to ask tour guide for help. Until, I heard a voice in my mind, if you want God to help you, you have to help yourself. I then asked tour guide to look for any pharmacy, but I was told we were at the middle of rural village where there can’t be any pharmacy. I looked at my watch to see what time it will be after 2 hours suddenly less than 20 seconds, the bus driver stopped in front of a pharmacy in the middle of nowhere. I was stunned and I thanked God in my heart. Those medicines had helped me to gain my strength back slowly.

During my last night in my hotel room all by myself, I heard noises. I was very scared and I shouted out, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all evil spirits to leave now.” Everything then returned to normal.

Later that night, I prayed, “Jesus, if you are so powerful, please put me to sleep.” I then slept very well until I was awakened by a nightmare at the break of dawn. In the nightmare, I saw the evil spirit from a mural art in a cave temple which I visited on my 2nd day of the trip. My body burnt like a fire and my left arms were in pain. Without hesitation, I called out the name of Jesus Christ and I woke up. The sun had started to shine and I felt very energetic. I realized that there is power in the name of Jesus Christ. I subsequently had a few more spiritual attacks where I called out Jesus’ name and witnessed the power in His name when everything returned to normal where I have no fear going back to sleep.

Looking back, I tried to connect the dots as I have dreamt about Buddha sitting under the snake statue few months before I went to Sri Lanka. In reality, I was attacked in the dream and I called out to Jesus Christ’s name to experience the Power in His Name. I came home and discovered there was a huge blue black mark on my left arms as I felt the pain while I was attacked by the evil which I cannot see but I felt them in my dream. For a new Christian I was scared but I thanked God for this real life experience for me to witness His Powerful Name.

I now acknowledge that Jesus is truly the way, the truth and the life. He has led me out from darkness into light to go through all my life challenges. Now that I have experienced God’s love, I can testify that He is the one and only true love who does not disappoint me. I am grateful to be alive today and for this privilege to share my story.


This video certainly has a lot of truth in it, and it does reflect the typical Evangelical view. But does all that it says indicate what Jesus and the apostles said, warned, and taught? Jesus did say He is the only way to God the Father as stated here. John 14:6
The OT prophesied about the Christ (anointed one in NT Greek) or Messiah from OT Hebrew. That he was begotten from the Father, came to fulfill the promises given to Abraham in Gen 22 and 26 as Paul spoke about "through your seed (Abraham) all nations will be blessed". The promise to King David in 2 Samuel 7:12-14 is that after he died, God would put his seed on David's throne, who would be called the Son of God by God himself, and this happened when Jesus was baptized from heaven, many heard him, according to the gospels, and at the mountain when he was transfigured into his glorified body that he would receive after his resurrection, God spoke again calling Jesus His Son. Jesus said that every word he speaks comes from the Father. John 12:47-50 and that he did not come this first advent to condemn but to save. However, the second time he returns in John 5, he said everyone that has every lived will be resurrected and judged by "the son of man" and that "the father has entrusted all judgment to the Son". He continued "Those who have done what is good and noble" (implying repentance (means "change your thinking") that Jesus preached in the gospels) "would rise to live, but all that practiced what is evil would be condemned."
Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 that ONLY those who DO the WILL (desires) of God will enter the kingdom he was going around preaching about. Being saved is not the same as entering the Kingdom of God. The NT says we are saved from sin and the slavery to it not by our works. In contrast the NT says repeatedly that we only enter the Kingdom and are judged based on our works. Jesus would say, as did his predecessor John the Baptist, "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand". Only those that repent of unrighteous living and turning to work righteousness will enter the Kingdom. Peter who Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom said in Acts 10:34-35 and 42 that the apostles had been commanded to tell everyone 1. God accepts anyone from any nations WHO FEARS GOD and 2. Works righteousness. This is the repentance that must take place. Peter went on to say that Jesus will judge everyone and that they were commanded to tell everyone this. The bible does not teach we are depraved and CAN do nothing good. No one in the NT quotes Isaiah 64 that Martin Luther taught that "all of our righteousness is like filthy rags".. no one in the NT ever speaks of that. Romans teaches that our own sin is what condemns us, and so we need a savior to rescue us from slavery and dominion and authority that Satan and the demons have over us. Jesus' words are the truth that must be practiced in order for our souls to be sanctified (which means become holy). Jesus said in John 8:31-34 that all that sin are slaves to sin, and that by continuing (persevering) in what Jesus said brings the truth to that person, and that truth will set them free from sin. 1 John 3 says Jesus came to destroy the devil's work. To change our hearts through his preaching and if we believe and therefore OBEY, Hebrews 5:8-9 says Jesus is the source of salvation to all who OBEY Him.


an amazing video.
According to Quran, "No Bearer of burden can bear the burden of others">>
Meaning that no sinner can take away sins of others
Muslimised-Jesus Isa in Quran is the only one sinless too but he doesn't take away sins..
Being the only one who can take away sins of others, Jesus in Quran doesn't do it..
The real Jesus of Bible is God who came as mere human to be the perfect sacrificial lamb to help us be saved through faith in him..
Allah of Quran will punish you in hell if you worship Jesus as God.
Obviously, the angel that Muhammad said he met from cave can't be the same angel Gabriel in Bible who said Jesus is son of God.
Islam trains people to reject this helping hand from God.
And make people be against the actual people who worship God(Jews and Christians) .


when you say jesus is my savior you are rejecting god and his nature. he is all powerful and he can dash sin anytime. he is not separate from us!
