CGI Animated Short Film | The Wave La Vague by ESMA | CGI Portal
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#CGI #3DAnimation #shortfilm
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: The Wave / La Vague Animated Short Film by
Boris Carquillat, Jasmine Ghoreishi, Pierre-alexandre Gomez, Agathe
Jeannin, Alicia Sudre at ESMA. Featured on CGI Portal
Three witches are trying to lower the water level in their flooded house.
However, a dramatic incident occurs…
Directors : Boris CARQUILLAT, Jasmine GHOREISHI, Pierre-Alexandre GOMEZ,
Agathe JEANNIN, Alicia SUDRE
Music : Damien DESHAYES
Voices : Fred LEWIN and the GNGC, Véronique AUGERAU, Jasmine GHOREISHI,
Sound : José Vicente & Yoann Poncet – Studio des aviateurs
Animation film produced as part of the 3D animated film training of the
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: The Wave / La Vague Animated Short Film by
Boris Carquillat, Jasmine Ghoreishi, Pierre-alexandre Gomez, Agathe
Jeannin, Alicia Sudre at ESMA. Featured on CGI Portal
Three witches are trying to lower the water level in their flooded house.
However, a dramatic incident occurs…
Directors : Boris CARQUILLAT, Jasmine GHOREISHI, Pierre-Alexandre GOMEZ,
Agathe JEANNIN, Alicia SUDRE
Music : Damien DESHAYES
Voices : Fred LEWIN and the GNGC, Véronique AUGERAU, Jasmine GHOREISHI,
Sound : José Vicente & Yoann Poncet – Studio des aviateurs
Animation film produced as part of the 3D animated film training of the