France's Presidential election in the shadow of Russia's war in Ukraine | DW News

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As France elects a new President, the voters' choice will spring from French fundamental values – liberty, equality, fraternity, and democracy. Their decision will matter beyond France's borders - European countries hope the country will stay a stable partner – especially during the war in Ukraine.

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Poland's leaders now pretend not knowing Le Pen. I hope this so called friendship is over for Poland. Le en crossed Polish red line by saying "Ukraine is Russia's sphere of influance". It's not "sphere of influance. These are people, not a ping pong ball. They want to be free with the same rights as french citizens or other Europeans and their fate is up to them. It's none of Le Pen's business.


I like how you interview people with legitimate and well thought-out concerns rather than the U.S media that interviews people who can't think for themselves, often repeating political slogans and can't explain how anything in our society functions with any degree of accuracy.


Honestly... I don't know if Macron did any good in France itself. But he did push the EU in a good path. And I think we need more of that in the coming years.


Yellow vest guy got a point. You can't treat big cities and rural areas alike. This urban/rural and educated/uneducated divide is present in some shape or form in every country. If your goal is to reduce CO2 maybe you should restrict traffic even more in big cities with good public transportation and not over taxing oil, which hurt mostly poor/working class people.


Haven't liked Macron much so I came here hoping he's going to lose. After seeing the other candidates maybe it's better that he wins.


French leader must be aware of autocracy creeping into Europe slowly, to take over our democracy and freedom


I hope that eventually we won't have to worry about the future existence of the EU each time there are elections in France.


" An appeaser is someone who feeds crocodiles, hoping to be the last to be eaten." Winston Churchill 1939


That person being interviewed said a lot, but didn't answer the question. The question was if she would vote for Macron if he were running against Le Pen, which is the basic question. She talked about the European Union and what the president of France could or could not do, but she not say if she would or wouldn't vote for Macron. The question was not what the European does or what the President of France could or could not do, the question was would she vote for Macron if he were running against Le Pen.


Do French people forget that Putin supported Le Pen? Why? The same reason he supported Brexit and Trump, to drive democracies of the world apart and weaken opposition to his ambitions for Russian empire.


Yellow vest gentleman sounds very much like most of the lower middle class folks in America. Where rent and gas alone might be most of your paycheck. Most economic problems for avg citizens seem to becoming an issue no matter where you live.


" When I look into Putin's eyes I see the KGB." Republican Senator John McCain


I can just hope the French voters remember, that Le Pen is on Putins payroll.


"I really feel like I cannot express my opinion under President Macron."
I'm pretty sure her saying that is an expression of


I have never been a fan of Macron, but by god he is the only electable candidate in this race. Centrist, European and diplomatic is always better than extremist, nationalist and populist.


Of course this episode is focused on France and its future, but it's not really a "French Thing". It's happening all over Europe. France has always been the focal center of freedom and Democracy in Europe. They were the ones who stood by us in our time of need and we supported them in theirs. We have always had a common mindset with France. But, the world has changed and to watch the pillars of freedom and Democracy begin to wobble, is not a reassuring sight. Watching my beloved France suffer the same internal strife as elsewhere in the world, is painful to watch. But. I believe this too shall pass. France like the US is stronger than this. This "rush" to the radical Right is a sign of panic and insecurity. Vive La France!


Le Pen seems like exactly the wrong choice. Next!


Values are failing. Politics is just a career to make some money.
War in Ukraine is telling everyone democracy is not a given, western values are not a given.
Our parents and grand parents didn't know how to bring up children with those values. The state, neither.
Democracy and citizenship must be learnt. This might be the single most important class in modern schools.


Praying for Macron to win. He's the only real shot we have at keeping Europe and NATO together. Le Pen or that other dude would be a disaster.


I came to France just before Macron was elected the first time. I work full-time and at first i was comfortable - by no means rich, but did not worry about living expenses. Since Macron has been president i have only gotten poorer and more desperate to finish the month. My pay has stayed the same but everything - and I mean EVERYTHING - has risen substantially in price. I am now at the point that I struggle to buy food. I don't even own a car...yet France's economy has gotten richer. People are despairing but luckily the French complain loudly. Unluckily Macron has a tendency for encouraging violence to silence his protesters. I predict France with have a very rocky 5 years to come....
