Can cancelling netflix subscriptions really pay for childcare? #costofliving

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This is the epitome of 'clueless' when it comes to cost of living, and housing crises that is a harsh reality for young generations today.

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I never bought a Starbucks or Netflix in my life...I still can't afford my own home


Same people who spent $150 a month on Cable for 200 channels they didn't watch in the freaking 90s for so more like $300 today are telling ppl to cancel subscription that are $15.


The moment he said "next flix" I knew it was gonna be bad😂


I'm a year older than the caller. My kids rent is considerably more than my mortgage. I didn't have to save nearly as much money as they will to get a house. How can anyone be so clueless to not realize how things are harder than they used to be


As an Official Boomer, age 72, I an appalled at the difficulties younger people face today. It must change.


"But I'M doing just fine! Stop COMPLAINING!" Not a clue.


Says the guy that chronically underpaid his employees so he could get to a level of wealth that makes him totally out of touch and comprehending working class people.


"If you only cut off all the things that give you joy and make life worth living, you too can give yourself what I was able to provide for my entire family on one minimum wage job just 40 years ago!"


Asking to be paid fairly isn't asking to be 'helped out'. Why are we not addressing that? The idea that a quality to life is asking too much from your EMPLOYER is utterly ridiculous.


How dare people prioritize Netflix when their CEOs are in need of new jets?


Yeah, I WANT! I WANT groceries! I WANT a place to live! I WANT the meds I need to stay alive. How unreasonable am I?


We finally managed to "buy" our first home. We did it by not having children, canceling all subscriptions, never eating out or going on dates, having groceries delivered so we don't have to travel two trips to get them, not owning a vehicle, not getting insurance on our household contents, cutting our medical insurance to the bone and getting into debt with the bank that will take the rest of our lives to pay off.
Kids today have it rough. There is no way that "pulling in the strings" will ever be enough to buy a house in this global economic climate.


I have this argument all the time with my boomer parents. Their house was 3 x 1 persons annual salary, one of them didn’t work so no child care. It’s just not comparable whatsoever to todays situation


I’m an older person, and this guy must be incredibly thick. I bought my first house when I was 23 years old and earning £5, 250 per annum and it cost £15, 500. I just looked and those little houses are now £180, 000. So my question to that gentleman is, how many 23 year olds with just O levels are earning the £60, 000 needed to buy a house at the wage differential I did. Today they are lucky if they don’t have a zero hours contract. I know my son won’t be able to afford it without the bank of mum and dad.


Working 40hours a week as a TA and an additional 20 hours a week as an evening into night security guard for a supermarket. Still end up down to my last £100-200 after rent, electricity, food etc. is paid for. I've trimmed all my subscriptions and everything down to the bare minimum. Cheap OPPO phone, "good enough" internet package etc.
Landlord asks for an inspection, thinking he's finally going to address my concerns about the black mould growing everywhere and water damage from other tenants. Maybe my faulty plug socket? What about that gap in the bedroom window frame letting all the heat out?....No, he walks around for 47 seconds (counted it personally) and smiles whilst he leaves. 30 minutes later I get an e-mail. "Oh yes, to match the market in your area we are increasing your rent by £125 a month"....ah yes. Ofcourse. The very last thing I needed. Guess it's a slice of bread for my evening meal today.


I find it incredibly frustrating that people should have choose between just surviving and actually enjoying their lives. Why can't people be given a decent wage instead of just a wage that keeps them clinging to life? The wealth they create is enough to afford that and more but because of greed and incompetence they don't get a fraction of that wealth in return and are forced to suffer? And they're supposed to raise children on top of this as well? It just blows my mind.


Single father in the Midwest, doing my best to survive. Plenty of programs exist to assist single mothers. But I don't qualify.
Make too much to get food stamps, but don't have enough left to pay for anything else. Make too much to qualify for budget friendly healthcare,
I can't afford childcare either, and have had to cut back a couple hours a week, because it would cost 3x as much to pay for childcare and stay at work. Instead I will leave early, because I lose less that way The system is frickin sideways as hell


You cannot budget yourself out of poverty..


And they insist we shouldn’t have anything at all and I’m like HOW? You need a smartphone and the internet to even get a job. There’s no going without one. I have no car, it’s not like I’m trying to drive a luxury car. And most people my age that do have one, have a secondhand one. They’re so out of touch and then they VOTE. It’s maddening. 🤬


Old soldier here. When young privates got into financial trouble, they'd have to go for counseling. Their cable was never on the table because it kept them occupied when they didn't have money to go to bars and such.
