Remnant from the Ashes: Build guide - The Broken beam rifle meta build vs Apocalypse bosses
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*AS OF 5/13/21, THE BEAM RIFLE GLITCH HAS BEEN PATCHED* The beam rifle now works as intended and no longer ramps up all incoming sources of damage. All of the builds here are still very strong, just not stupidly broken anymore.
Build 1:
Osseous set / Radiant set
Hive cannon
Beam rifle - swarm
Hero's sword
Butcher's fetish
Akari warband
Burden of the gambler / Ring of supremacy
Build 2:
Cultist hat, Bandit chest and legs
Hive cannon
Beam rifle - swarm
Black rose
Burden of the gambler
Provisioner ring
Build 3:
Leto's set
Hive cannon
Beam rifle - swarm / frozen mist
Melee of choice
Nightmare spiral
Burden of the gambler
Ring of the mantis / gravity stone
Build summary:
Behold the most overpowered weapon in the game. This gun can go with any build and dominate. If you do not know, the beam rifle is glitched and it ramps up ALL concurrent damage and CO-OP partners damage as well. So what it is doing in these videos is that its ramping up the damage from swarm and the DOT's applied by hive cannon and frozen mist. It's absolutely ridiculous. If you want to go straight DPS, the osseous and radiant versions are king. Osseous will be better for longer fights due to ramp up and radiant will be better for shorter fights. Use burden of the gambler for non weakspot enemies and ring of supremacy for weakspot enemies. Use both of those instead of akari warband if fighting an enemy that requires little to no dodging. The bandit version is the fun version. The cultist hat gives us 5 more seconds with swarm and add in the bandit beam procs and you will be firing the beam rifle for a long time and ramping that swarm up. A nice little combo. The hive cannon works well with bandit too as the AOE splash also give a chance for bandit to proc. If you want to go the tank route, use the Leto version. With nightmare spiral healing you and the anti-staggering ability Leto has, you are the immovable turret. Ring of the mantis goes great here since you can just stand still and fire away. The fire rate buff on mantis is great too since it will help us achieve max beam rifle ramp up faster. Gravity stone is another great trinket for the tank version. Since we are neglecting the ads, the gravity stone ability should be up the majority of the fight. These are just a few samples on what you can do with the beam rifle. You can do a summoner beam rifle build and ramp up iron sentinel's damage etc. Play around with it and see what you can come up with!
Title: "Battle in the Snow Mountain", "Vs Snow Dragon", "Vs Queen"
Composer: 魔界Symphony
Genre: Epic Music/ Battle Music
Track Attribution:
Music used: 魔界Symphony
Licensed under Creative Commons-ShareALike Attribution 3.0
Build 1:
Osseous set / Radiant set
Hive cannon
Beam rifle - swarm
Hero's sword
Butcher's fetish
Akari warband
Burden of the gambler / Ring of supremacy
Build 2:
Cultist hat, Bandit chest and legs
Hive cannon
Beam rifle - swarm
Black rose
Burden of the gambler
Provisioner ring
Build 3:
Leto's set
Hive cannon
Beam rifle - swarm / frozen mist
Melee of choice
Nightmare spiral
Burden of the gambler
Ring of the mantis / gravity stone
Build summary:
Behold the most overpowered weapon in the game. This gun can go with any build and dominate. If you do not know, the beam rifle is glitched and it ramps up ALL concurrent damage and CO-OP partners damage as well. So what it is doing in these videos is that its ramping up the damage from swarm and the DOT's applied by hive cannon and frozen mist. It's absolutely ridiculous. If you want to go straight DPS, the osseous and radiant versions are king. Osseous will be better for longer fights due to ramp up and radiant will be better for shorter fights. Use burden of the gambler for non weakspot enemies and ring of supremacy for weakspot enemies. Use both of those instead of akari warband if fighting an enemy that requires little to no dodging. The bandit version is the fun version. The cultist hat gives us 5 more seconds with swarm and add in the bandit beam procs and you will be firing the beam rifle for a long time and ramping that swarm up. A nice little combo. The hive cannon works well with bandit too as the AOE splash also give a chance for bandit to proc. If you want to go the tank route, use the Leto version. With nightmare spiral healing you and the anti-staggering ability Leto has, you are the immovable turret. Ring of the mantis goes great here since you can just stand still and fire away. The fire rate buff on mantis is great too since it will help us achieve max beam rifle ramp up faster. Gravity stone is another great trinket for the tank version. Since we are neglecting the ads, the gravity stone ability should be up the majority of the fight. These are just a few samples on what you can do with the beam rifle. You can do a summoner beam rifle build and ramp up iron sentinel's damage etc. Play around with it and see what you can come up with!
Title: "Battle in the Snow Mountain", "Vs Snow Dragon", "Vs Queen"
Composer: 魔界Symphony
Genre: Epic Music/ Battle Music
Track Attribution:
Music used: 魔界Symphony
Licensed under Creative Commons-ShareALike Attribution 3.0