Custer’s Last Stand | In the Civil War

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To set the scene, we see Custer standing on his horse in front of his men, sword, and revolver in hand. Ahead of him is a horde of Confederate cavalry hell bend on crashing into the rear of the Union army at Gettysburg. The only thing standing between victory and disaster, is 600 raw recruits, armed with outdated pistols and sabers. The fate of American history rested in the hands of one 23 years old general. George Armstrong Custer, who only mouths earlier was fired in disgrace. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned Custer charged the flanking confederates across an open field yelling “Come on you wolverines!” to his men. A disparate melee ensued with more than 200 cavalrymen killed but Custer saved the Army of the Potomac from disaster, and a star was born. When we think of Custer, images of 9th grade history class flash in our mind. We think of his: last stand, the genocide of native Americans, and the tragic concision manifest density. We never think about his role in the Civil War. Before Custer`s last stand, he was known for being the youngest general in American history who fought shoulder to shoulder with the men through thick and thin. His daring raids and charges gained worldwide fame. Journalists loved Custer and preferred interviews with him over full generals. Custer was the last of his kind, a member of a dying breed of soldiery, the cavalier, who preferred to fight with a sword over a gun.
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The host forgot to mention that at the Gettysburg charge, Custer had seven bullet holes in his coat. I’m glad that someone is telling the story of Custer. He was a great commanding officer, who led from the front with total bravery.


Always remember his younger brother Tom was the only person to win 2 MOH in the same war.


I love this. Thank you, for years I’ve been saying we need to give Custer a better shake than “an arrogant fool who led his men to certain destruction.” And look at him as a more nuanced character. Yes maybe he did. But it wasn’t purely for ego or pride, he was fighting as he’d always fought, and let’s be honest: it worked until it didn’t.


The Michigan Brigade did not suffer 219 dead at Gettysburg on July 3rd, 219 was their total number of casualties (out of 254 Union losses overall).
The Battle of Trevilian Station did not occur on June 25th, 1864, but 2 weeks earlier. Funny that you picked the date Custer met his fate in Montana 12 years later. Nor did Custer cut himself out of the trap he found himself in at Trevilian, but was greatly helped by the attacks of Merritt's, Devin's and Gregg's Brigades which forced Hampton and Fitz Lee to withdraw.


While i am in total agreement to tell the Civil War Custer story, we must be accurate- In June 1863, George A Custer would be the youngest General in the Army of the Potomac, even the Union (Federal) forces at that time. He was not the youngest General in the the Union Army during the Civil War- that was Galusha Pennypacker who was promoted to Brigadier before his 21st birthday-
2nd correction- Custer received an appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point by a Republican Ohio Congressman (Bingham)not a “commission “
3. It was not that he struggled academically, but because he was the “Class Clown” and he accumulated so many demerits! Then he would always disciplined himself when he was close to expulsion
4. He was NOT Breveted Brigadier General at end of CW, but Brevet Major General, still the youngest in American military history! Dated 19 October 1864-


Behind in his class But the most courageous man on the field . Had over 10 horses, some say 13 were shot out from under him . SHERIDAN gave Libby Custer, Auties wife the table Grant and Lee signed the end of civil war papers on . Saying General Custer was with his Gallantry of your husband, scarcely anyone has done more . Brave Courageous Man Soldier. None could be more so . Then maybe Patton but wars to come .


By the way, Custer is one of those guys all men compare themselves to.

What would they have done in Custers place? You never know until the test is at hand.

Custer always passed the test.


This quality is amazing. Love your content.


Definitely a brave man and a very good Commander. It’s a pity that his subordinates let him down in the end. I don’t think it would have mattered though, would have just meant more men killed.


“Tragic conclusion of manifest destiny”?

It’s called evolution. It can be cruel but you can’t stop it.


I like the video. However, the men that rode on horses are pronounced, CAV-AL-REE. Not Calvary. That's where the Lord died.


Custer was a reckless general charging forward into the middle of the conferate army
