Excel How To Round to the Nearest Multiple

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This short video shows how to round a number to the nearest multiple, such as to the nearest 5, 10, or 25. Specifically, it shows how to use the CEILING, FLOOR, and MROUND functions.

Chapters in this video:
00:00 - Introduction
00:13 - FLOOR
01:33 - CEILING
02:24 - MROUND

Also, check out these videos with time saving Excel Hacks:


As fast as I prefer, thank you very much, from Nicaragua.


Great video.
Can I use another cell NEXT to the floor function in order to fill in what quantity each product comes in?
That is, one product comes in packages of 5, another in 12 etc. What type of formula I will use so excel understands that each line must be rounded up (or down) to a specific multiple that is included in another cell?

Subscribed any way!


Hey Jeff, noticed a typo in screen tips for FLOOR/CEILING! They say rounds down/up, while your explanation is opposite. Looks like they might have flipped the script. ;)

Hey Jeff, Excel's screen tips seem flipped for FLOOR/CEILING! They say "rounds up" for CEILING and "rounds down" for FLOOR, opposite your explanation. Just a heads-up!


FLOOR rounds down, CEILING rounds up. You have changed it.
