How To Add An Outlet From A Light Switch | Common Mistake

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In this video I show you how I added an outlet (receptacle) using a light switch as the power source. This is a fairly common install but there is a very common mistake I see being made that I show you how to avoid.

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Great video. Another tip is to write the circuit number on the back of the plate cover so that next time you need to work on the switch or outlet, you know which circuit to shutoff.


Your cameraman/woman should get 'thumbs up' too. Wonderful videos. I have a retired electrician friend who helps me a lot. He told me some of the common mistakes you mention often. But, seeing and hearing these in your videos are very helpful. You are good teacher. Your neighbors are lucky!!!


This is my 34th year of teaching high school students, this dude is an awesome teacher, thanks for saving me thousands of dollars of electrician fees 🤩


The 1st rule of wiring. Never trust the guy who wired it before you. Assumptions are the mother of all electrical deaths. Great video! I would only add that there is generally a minimum height off the floor of 15 inches to the bottom of the receptacle, but one would need to check their local codes to be sure.


These types of videos keep me from burning my house down and electricuting myself so unlike almost all other u tube videos I actually click the like button.


One comment I would like to add is that sometimes a switch only contains a switch loop and the power is up at the fixture. I personally never wire switches that way but you would definitely want to check that before you cut your hole for the new outlet. Thanks for your video, you do a great job on all of your tutorials.


Exactly what I want to do in my storage locker at work. Now I know how to supply power to the outlet without needing the switch. Thank you Adam. New subscriber.👍👍👍👍


This guy is awesome. I replaced a complicated light fixture in my almost 100 yr old home in no time and with confidence!! Thanks


Bro, you are the man!!! You hit all the key points, and provide necessary information to to complete a project.


No long or unnecesary talk, direct to the point, easy to understand. Excelente video buddy. You just got a new suscriber.


A #1 thank you. I gave up on doing this 7 years back because my quite thorough search came up with zero answers on how to do this. One thing i noticed, small thing, is first you verify your tester works, after that you cut the juice and can trust that power is not there.


I normally use the stud on the other side of the cavity from the light. This does make it a little more difficult to fish the wire but it does reduce the risk of the box conflicting with a wire running down the stud with the switch.


Learned something new today. I will be removing the ears on my future outlets when using old work boxes from now on. Thanks!


Very well thought out teaching. Great communication. Obvious you planned the content before you started filming. Thanks for all the work to create something this good.


I watched a few of your videos and they are very well made and very informative. I am 60 yrs old and done many electrical DYI’s but today I learned about the hole in the wire strippers to make the curve in the wire, I use to wrap the wire around a small screwdriver or clamp the end of the wire with the wire striper and twist into a curve. I’m always looking for the best way to do a job safely and properly and I have a question about receptacle installation that an electrical engineer told me about which makes sense to me but I’ve wrote enough for now and will ask the question later on. thanks for your videos. 👍😎👍


A very useful concept is how to connect the black live wire. It may seem trivial, but as you explain, it is an important thing that can become a hazzle going forward. Thank you for sharing the details. Being an electrical engineer myself, I really appreciate your professional approach to handle electrical power safely 🙂


Coming to the end of my first year of apprenticeship. My job is fully residential & some times trying to fish straight down can be super annoying. With the steel fish slightly bending and catching on everything in old walls. A chain makes so much sense!! I’m 100% using this from now on.


Love your training videos very well thought out and easy to understand.


Great video! Followed it to the T and got myself everything working on the first go. Thank you for such a detailed and prescriptive video.


Nice video. Very clear and informative. I would like to add a couple of items that I didn’t see in the video nor the instructions. First, seeing that it was a 15A circuit from the breaker box, it’s important to note that using the correct wire and receptacle is a safety concern. Too many people will just grab materials from their home supply store and think they’re all the same. Using the matching wire and receptacle to the circuit is a safety concern. Secondly, using the correct wire nut is just as important. In the video, a yellow wing nut is used with 3 #14 gauge wire. Code would recommend a red wire nut when combining 3 #14.
