Asking for Jesus Medical Records!!?? #jesus #god #bible #holyspirit

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He should say "Give me the medical records of your ancestors girl-"😂😂


Gurrrl, did she say medical records like they had pen, paper forms, manilla folders, filing cabinets, and computers back in the A.D. and B.C. times. I can’t with some people!😂😂😂😂😂


All those names he mentioned, those people's writings are evidence of their existence.
What did Jesus write?
We also know its physically impossible to come back from the dead so many days later with the injuries Jesus supposedly had.


Only a fool wrestles with a pig in the mud; they both become indistinguishable to passersby and the reason for the match becomes the mud…


She said “how convenient” when in reality, he should be the one saying “how convenient”


The Christians in this video don't understand how history and evidence work. We don't know exactly who Herodotus was, but we know he _existed._ To the extent that his observations are taken as true it is because there is independent evidence for their veracity.

The entire NT was written after Jesus died. None of it was written by eyewitnesses. We do not know who actually authored any of the books. We simply attribute them to the name of the titled person as a stand-in. We can't actually _know_ that the Gospel of John was written by a guy named John.


the woman was in the wrong but that is not a excuse to basicly say this person is not having a fair argument so all of that group is wrong and dumb thats not cool


The problem is that the testimony he is talking about does not come from a reliable source. In Islam, we have chain of narrations that go back to the Prophet himself. But in Christianity, its only Paul writing what he thought


Here is the evidence B.C and A.D
Human history is recorded based on the birth of Jesus Christ.
"B.C." stands for "before Christ." The system labels years based on a traditional notion of when Jesus was born — with the "A.D." denoting years after his birth and "B.C." designating the years that predate his birth.

Historical Records :
Herod the Great; Caesar Augustus; Tiberius Caesar) was the one who ordered the census that resulted in Jesus’ being born in Bethlehem rather than in Nazareth.
