20 - Python: Dictionary Views - Efficient Ways to Manipulate Dictionaries - Shorts

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Dictionary views in Python are dynamic and iterable objects that provide a dynamic view of a dictionary's entries, keys, or values. They provide a dynamic view of the dictionary's data, which means that any changes made to the dictionary will be reflected in the view, and vice versa.

In Python, there are three types of dictionary views:

dict_keys - provides a dynamic view of the dictionary's keys.
dict_values - provides a dynamic view of the dictionary's values.
dict_items - provides a dynamic view of the dictionary's key, value pairs.

These views can be useful in situations where you need to iterate over the keys, values, or items of a dictionary, but don't want to create a new list or dictionary object. They can also be used to create new dictionaries or lists by filtering or transforming the original dictionary's data.

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