Ep. 10: How Do I Stop Comparing Myself To Others? | Attaching to Allah

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Jealousy and envy are notoriously recognized as emotions that can be difficult to deal with. But, they’re natural feelings that must be kept in check. How can you ensure that you’re not attached to what other people possess? And how do you keep a healthy balance of improving your life without comparing yourself to others?

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My mother taught me to make dua for people whom i may feel jealous to and subhan Allah its just so effective. Whenever i see people enjoying something, I immediately pray for them and ask Allah swt to increase them in blessings. Doing this just cleans the heart from any ill feelings towards each other and makes you genuinely happy for them, also when you see them being increased in blessings, it feels like your dua had been accepted and just makes you even happier and grateful.


1- redirecting of pursuits
2- compete over the right things
3- don't compete with the people of dunya over their dunya
4- we're all literally gonna be on the same ⛵ at the end of the day
5- no matter what level you're in, you're gonna feel like you're in the highest level
6- make du'a for those you are jealous of


Subhanallah! This is a daily struggle for me. I am definitely slowly, day by day, finding myself focusing on being content with what Allah (SWT) has blessed me with, whenever I find myself looking at other people’s blessing and comparing myself. It is one of the Jihad al-nafs that I struggle with everyday, but, Alhamdoulilah, for my continued progress day by day. Thank you again for yet another reflective and educational video that I hope will stir us all on the path of Allah (SWT) and stay within it until we all unite together with Him in Jannah, Insha’Allah. Amina ya Allah.


A sister in the community in which I live gives endlessly in her knowledge of Islam. In each of our conversations because of this sister, we are in remembrance of Allah Subhanna wa ta' Allah leaving me feeling closer to Allah at the end of our time together. She shares with friends and family all of her resources that Allah has blessed her with. She is forever content, without complaint concerning her station in life. She is humble and so full of life and love for our Creator. May Allah continue to bless Sister Amina in this world with all the good of it and in the next with the highest Station of Paradise. Ameen.


I would like to make a shout out for Sheikh Abdullah Oduro, I see that he is doing amazing work and content for the sake of Allah sub’hana’wa’tala. May Allah subhana’wa’tala keep his heart and intentions pure and righteous. He has so much noor and knowledge to share, may Allah subhana’wa’tala bless and reward him and his family in this life and with the highest level of jannah. His humility and perserverance is truly inspiring and you can tell it is for the sole sake of Allah’subhana’wa’tala 🤲


Allah ( SWT)created these feelings
We just can't stop comparing ourselves with others
But we all must remember that if Allah gave them something which we lack, HE gave us something too that would want to have .
Comparing is just unavoidable thing
What can we do is that we must count what we have and say Alhamdulliah


My friend has a beautiful disposition and is covered in light, always mentioning Allah, always thankful to Allah, never complains or mentions anything negative, and has a way of speech that pulls you in and leaves you feeling peaceful and grateful to Allah as well. May Allah continue to grow her love of the creator and make her a means to share the beauty of Islam ameen ya rabb.


Something that may help one not feel 'jealous' of other's achievements, especially when it's something that is beneficial (gave lots of charity, invented something useful to the society, etc), is by being grateful that that goodness has happened if that makes sense. It's looking at in a different perspective and being thankful that that 'khair' exists and just focusing on working to make more of it in your own individual way..


Again another great video.. for me the line by brother Omar was quite heart touching in which he said “Allah does not crush our emotions” The idea is to just channel them in the right way. Also I think for the most part when it comes to envying & jealousy, if you think about it logically, which always isn’t easy.. What will you actually get out of it? And like what was said in the video, you only see that person’s blessings but you don’t actually see their struggle.. if you were to see their struggles you’d be happy with what you have.. everyone has a mix both blessings and trials.. that’s how I remind myself..


That's so relatable for all of us. May Allah grant us ease 🤲


When u compare yourself to other people u are being ungrateful too Allah for your blessings that make u different from every other person! I pray Allah separate me from jealous people and people that condone jealousy


what a great videos from this channel ...Always love to watch and make me thinking about my life 😢...may Allah almighty give us chance to practice to be a real Muslim SubhanAllah


Can you do an entire series on this. I feel like sometimes it become so all encompassing.


Another tips for jealousy and envy: 1-Think of something you wished you had before that you have now and have worked hard for (diplomas, money, a destination, a country, etc.).

2-Think about how many people saw you work before you got that thing (often alone in your room).

3- If the person you're jealous of is a star, go and see where they got their start and ask yourself "am I ready to make these kinds of sacrifices?"

And if you can, ask the people you envy how they got to where they are.
Then ask yourself if want to that


Honestly I won’t compare myself to someone who has more than me like money/looks/clothes /ect... cause I’m not gonna stay on Earth for long, it’s not like I’m gonna stay on Earth forever so what’s the point ? If these things are all temporary, how can I attach my worth to them ? How can I value them ?


I like sister sarah's enlightening on what's normal to feel as a human by referring it with ahadith and giving practical tips to combat that again by referring to the words of our prophet(saw) throughout the series.May Allah bless sh.Omar Suleiman and sister sarah and every one .Ameen


This series is soooo beneficial words can't express it x my gratitude for you all lies in the duas I make for u all x jzk for this may Allah swt bless you all abundantly ameen x


AsalamOAliqum and JazakAllah elkhair for great series. May Allah forgive all Muslims and grant us Jannah


Alhamdulillah an amazing series to keep us focused in these first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. Jazakum Allahu khairun to the entire team. May Allah increase you in good always. Ameen!
I feel like all of the Quran teachers in the various masajid who are so dedicated and patient with the students they have to teach on a daily basis, often go unrecognized. They are the ones raising the next generation of scholars, Imams, and Huffazh. May Allah grant them continued dedication and establish palaces for them all in jannah. Aameen!


BarakAllah 👌...
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for this beneficial series ❤️.
Alhamdulillah 🤲.
