Isn't it Better To Be Debt Free?

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Debt is the Ultimate Tool for Beating Inflation. Here's Why👇🏻

Most people say they don't have money, so they can't afford to buy assets.

However, debt gives you leverage to purchase assets without using your own money.

As a result, using debt to purchase assets gives you a higher return than using your own money because you can borrow more than what you have.

If you want to beat inflation, do what the rich do and use debt to make money.

#shorts #debt #debtfree

Let’s remind people not to use debt unless they have a proven working income strategy that is profitable over time. Otherwise the debt is a risk. That $50 gain could be a $50 loss as well.


I have built my net worth up to where it is without debt, and I am not about to start borrowing now. You can do all the financial gymnastics you want, but at the end of the day, you cannot substitute the peace of mind that comes with not owing anyone.


Having debt is fine. Hanging on to it like a hoarder is bad. My 2 cents. Pay one debt off before taking another one on


Great insights Jeff. At a point in my life I took pride in not having any debt 😬 but with experience, knowledge and time I woke up to reality lol. Debt goes far beyond purely consumer debt which I wasn’t aware of until my late 20’s. That’s why I love the internet bc I’ve learned information that I could’ve gone my lifetime not understanding. I read your book and really appreciate your content:)


If you're particularly cautious just never have more debt than you have liquid assets. You get the best of both worlds.


This is my main disagreement with the advice that Dave Ramsey gives.
