Did Paul Invent Christianity?

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Today we'll look at whether or not Paul invented Christianity and what do historical scholars say on this "issue".




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Good video. I think this myth is perpetrated more by the fact that Paul preached to the Gentiles, thus making Christianity a universal religion as opposed to a Jewish sect.


Paul was a sinner just like everyone. He found Jesus after Jesus came to him and Asked, Why do you prosecute me? I love Paul. Not perfect just like all of us. But found salvation in Jesus.


Roman Christianity used the writings of Paul to organise their church. Other disciplines created their own. Such as Andrew in Britain.


The question itself is heresy at best. To say that the Apostle Paul made, invented or lied about all of this

1) takes away from the sovereignty of God. Who believes that an All Knowing God would not know or see beforehand that Paul would go wayward, if this was the case, and stop him beforehand? God word will not return void. Something so important as the teachings of Paul to the early Church, the Gentile community, do you think that the Creator would just allow Paul to pollute the message of salvation?

2) The apostles that walked and saw Jesus in the flesh for three years put their stamp of approval on Paul (Galatians 2:8-9) and his ministry to the Gentiles. Paul met with the apostles in Jerusalem and explained to them what God, through Jesus Christ had revealed to him.

3) 2 Peter 3:15, the Apostle Peter affirms Paul's ministry through validating his teachings. While Peter does admit that some of the things that Paul teaches are a bit "difficult" to understand, but, he sees the grace that God has placed on the teachings of Paul and cosigns that are the message is Scripture by calling them such.

In closing, it's always secular and unbelieving teachers, professors, historians and non Christians who make this argument. But, these same individuals are lost to the teachings and message of salvation; particularly the doctrines of Justification, Sanctification, and the Atonement of Christ. Paul taught all of this through Romans, Ephesians and Galatians primarily. The other epistles of Paul explained the conduct of the new believer through living the message of "his" gospel through by the Spirit.


when they all get refuted they turn to st. Paul.


Amazing simple and short video debunking this ridiculous claim


My teacher in religion (whom I had before I was religious) taught that Paul created Christianity as if it were a fact. I, of course, believed him, and found out the hard way when I made this claim to a Christian to refute the religion.


Jesus did. God brings Abram outside of his tent and instructs him to look up to the sky. “Count the stars, if you are able God commands. As countless as the stars, he assures Abram, “so shall your descendants be” (Gen 15:5)., ” aka Christianity"


The Jesus follower group that came before Paul, as represented by Peter and James, are effectively a black box. We have no writings from them and the only things we do know about them come from Paul, who appears to have been at odds with them i.e. we have one biased contemporary source on them that barely mentions them at all.
Mark's gospel and every subsequent gospel use Paul's letters to develop their theology and narrative of Jesus' life. They aren't history, they're cult propaganda. Relying on Acts for information on any of these people is a massive error. It was written forty to seventy years after the death of Paul by people who never knew him, let alone Peter and co. The entire thing is basically apostle fanfiction that cribs all of its historical bits from Josephus and other historians. Straight up copying word for word in some places. The history that's in Acts is there for verisimilitude. The rest, the lives of the apostles, it's all fiction.

We can't say anything concrete about the earliest Jesus followers and have no way of knowing if anything about what that group believed actually survived in Paul's theology. So in that sense, Christianity as we know it today comes from Paul. But even then that's a bit of a problem since none of these people set out to invent a new religion. These were all jews creating a sect of judaism. In that sense, christianity wasn't invented by anyone until the late second century, long after Paul et al were dead.


I always wanted to ask, what is the title of this chant?
It's beautiful playing over this video, which i found really helpful.


I made a doc drawing a little bit of information from your video⬇️


Paul's contribution to Christianity cannot be understated, however. Paul was the one to whom God revealed the significance of Genesis 15:6.

Gen. 15:6 - And Abram believed God; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

Nobody prior to Paul had caught that and it had become the cornerstone of Paul's theology. The Apostle James (Jesus' own flesh and blood brother) argued AGAINST Paul's assertion that justification was by faith alone.

Paul and James are the only two apostles who quote this verse in the whole bible. Paul uses it as evidence that his theology supports his ministry to the Gentiles. James' epistle is, in part, a polemic against Paul's theology. Paul tells us what to do with James and his kind:

Gal 1:8-9 - But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Let him be accursed.


Your all Paulinists, and all he did was steal from the People of The Light (found in the dead sea scrolls which predate Paul by at least 150 years.


Paul was merely a vessel of christ not the creator. As stated Christians already existed when Paul was persecuting them so the foundations of Christ were already firmly established before Paul converted he just gave it more structure. Lovely presentation. Love the music, very dignified and peaceful.😢


As its pretty obvious can stop using religion as a scapegoat people look for any reason to argue and fight about.


Funny quran calls Paul a prophet.. this guy ignorant


Christianity comes from Adam, and Thoth. If enough time passes, there's another name for the same basic thing.


.in fact Paul or Saul(Sol) is the one being reffered to as the Fallen Star( Messenger) in Revelations called Wormwood..because His Teachings or Dessertations brought Bitterness to The Followers of Jesus who were Ebionites(not Christians)..Paul was called by John as Abbadon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek or Sun or Sol(Saul)..Abba, Abu, Abo, Apo means Father..Paul was a hardcore Pharesy..He was referred to as Father of Lies or Abbadon in Hebrew.


No surprise Paul didn't go with the accounts of Jesus appearing first to Mary Magdalene as you see in John 20 and Mark 16:9. I'll add 1 Corinthians 15:5-8 to my wtf Paul list, along with Galatians 1:8, Colossians 1:24, Romans 9:3 and 1 Corinthians 5:5


Keffus? Nobody says Keffus. It's Cephas - See-fiss. Where do these YouTubers come from?
