High Rep Chest Routine For Fast Muscle Growth

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Hi, meatheads! In this video, Coach MANdler takes you through a high rep chest routine for fast muscle growth. Using high rep routines like this will increase your muscle mass, muscular endurance, and even strength in your bench press and overhead press. Do high rep routines like this once a month to force new adaptations and dramatically increase time under tension for increased time under tension and fast growth in your chest, shoulders, back and arms.

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Be about it,

Coach MANdler (Chandler Marchman)

Рекомендации по теме

1:41 this is probably the most effective exercise if you're trying to annoy all people around you in the shortest period of time. :)


It’s all about the squeeze and contraction if you lift to heavy you are working out everything but what you are trying to work out, unless you’re powerlifting lol


AWESOME...lately I've been doing an upper/lower body split and I'm going to hit my upper body with THIS shit about once a month.


"THUMBS UP" if you're looking for more chest mass and the BIGGEST pump of your life!


Looks Like a great workout, gonna try this soon


Very interesting, going to work on this today.


this routine must be done one day per month only??


I always did high reps when I was in highschool. And other kids would laugh at me because I didn’t lift heavy. But I was hanging out with the 12th graders and I was in the 9th grade. I was always looking for the pump lol


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17


i knocked myself out on first exercice ( warmup whith the med ball) =(


shorts and a winter hat while working out
How am I supposed to take advice from someone like that.


I'll try this one today, tell you how it goes.


High Reps with Medium Weight = Natty Lifter
