Why JUDO is the BEST for Self Defense

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In this video, we'll be discussing the importance of masculinity and how it's changing in today's society. We'll be discussing the role of judo in the development of masculinity and how it can be used as a self improvement tool.

Not all men are taught how to fight and be masculine, and that's why this video is so important. We'll be discussing the importance of judo and how it can help men learn how to fight and be strong. Judo is a great tool for self improvement and can help men learn to be stronger and more confident. So if you're interested in learning more about masculinity and how to develop it, then this video is for you!
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I like Judo & Greco Roman the most for self defense because it requires the least amount of adjustments, the stance is upright not bent on your knees with your chin open, you can get KO’ed easily or choked out.

The gi translates to the real world easily since everyone wears clothes & most Judokas I trained with are extremely athletic not skipping weights or smoking/drinking on a regular basis, all those things play a factor when many martial arts like to shame being athletic or strong


Jujitsu, boxing/Muay Thai, I started 3 months ago and now I’m addicted and committed


Boxing/muay Thai and Judo is great for self defense


I got into martial arts recently, tried boxing and I love it, and it is very useful in a self defense situation, because you can end the fight with one punch. Been doing BJJ for about a month, and it is also very efficient, because you learn chokes, and all kinds of submissions, but the problem with bjj is that they don't really focus on takedowns, it is very common to see bjj guys pulling guard or just sitting on the tatame, wich is a very stupid thing to do in a street fight. But anyway, I'd say, that you need both striking and grappling to be a complete fighter. I want to try Judo, cause I love the takedowns but where I live is too expensive just to get started, buying the gi plus the gym fees, and I can't afford it right now. But definetely Judo plus bjj plus boxing or muay thai is a deadly combination for a street fight.


Judo definitely has an edge in street fighting. Judo trains you to be comfortable fighting from an upright posture getting gripped, grabbed, pushed and pulled. If you think of the stereotypical bully or bar fight scenario with a person chest to chest, this is a Judo comfort zone.

The Judo fight method, end the fight with a throw and ground as backup literally came from how the samurai would fight. Bjjs method developed from a sport approach where time is their friend on soft mats. Street fights are fast and you may not have that time, and the ground is not forgiving so if the plan is to drag it to the ground and begin working once there, there are lots of potential variables that make it little less then ideal.

I actually tell people to look up street fights that include sweeps slams or throws. Those fights are over 99% of the time. If self defense is the goal, then it’s actually a smart idea to invest your time where you’ll likely need it. The average person in a fight is likely never going to be doing crazy submissions, even the street fights that have BJJ it’s often the basics, but you are likely to standing grapple, so having that ability to throw some one and end in a heavy pin is ideal.


I did Judo and Boxing from 10 to 30 yr, I had two real street fights in my life my jab and combos kept my opponent away from me when he came in close, they hit the cement fight over no Gi .


Look There is no ground game and guard on asphalt, Judo is far superior to jiu jitsu in real life.


Ukemi alone is the best thing about judo. Add to this high percentage throws and you are golden. I belive most people that will ever fight you on the streets have no newaza so the little you learn from judo is enough.


Man, I love to see someone talking this way about judo. Direct talk, can be understood inside the grappling community and outside too. I love it.


If I may add my two cents based on experience. Long ago, before I became a Christian (REAL GENUINE, not sunday), I was a racist thug you could say that landed up in prison. I used a ippon seonagi (one arm shoulder throw I believe) in prison with two men trying to drag me into a room for payback. One male grabbed me in a rear bear hug and instinct/muscle memory kicked in and I threw him with his own momentum. Years later, when I got out of prison I attended university where I did train for about a year in judo (yellow belt). Many more years later when I worked as a bouncer/security guard, it became my go to when things escalated. Judo is highly UNDERRATED when it comes to self defence. Muscle memory and randori is superior for self-defence training as muscle memory/instinct kicks in even if you fail the pre-fight interview/scenario where your brain can turn to water on you. I am glad I found your channel. Please introduce some personal testimony and bible verses in your videos, as this will definetly edify and build up other Christian conservative men. I don't do judo anymore, but it works! When it comes to violence, I lean on God as my defender, as violence never really works out, and God can protect you if you let him. Thank you so much for the channel and God bless!


I have trained both judo and freestyle wrestling competitively for a decent time and I can confidently say that wrestling is by far the best combat sport for self-defence and combat as a whole. Combine it with bjj and you are basically a beast.


I don't like to post much but i love your content and i would love to share my opinion. I have 12 years of exploring different martial arts at a VERY basic standpoint but i did focus on boxing for about 6 years and even trained with boxers who wanted to compete as an amateur and coached those who wanted to have boxing for health and confidence. Boxing is very much limiting but because it limiting it allows a focus on the just one thing which in my opinion can accelerate being proficient in it if you really pressure test yourself in sparring, but in an application of SELF DEFENSE it does require tons of sparring time and confidence building. That being said, boxing standalone is great but again limiting as with any martial arts. Ive started judo for a few months now and i LOVE IT, I have caught the judo bug and train for it with the intention of committing myself to the art and competing. Ive even changed my boxing style to be a little more hardnosed so i can close the distance sooner as but only because it would supplement my judo in a self defense scenario. As a recommendation, I would definitely dabble in boxing learn to defend and close distances and then grip up and implement my judo. Judo is an amazing art to feel someone gripping up on you and you having no real control over yourself because someone has you wrapped up in your gi is a very helpless and humbling feeling and before you know it your on the ground and you do a break fall slap a little after you just met the earth hahaha. Another thing to consider is your environment in a self defense situation, such as knowing that the wall would help you close distances because u set someone up to be up against it so you can get into a grapple. Anyways continue to explore different arts and see what fits you its an amazing journey, i love your content and all spectrums of it, helps grow the warrior sprit and continue to keep pushing the fight. May God bless you.


I love judo. If I could, I would train judo. Unfortunately tho there is no school nearby, but I am training BJJ at a local MMA gym and a lot of their no gi classes focus a lot on standup and wrestling/judo takedowns which really helps round out my game


I wrestled I highschool. Train bjj, and judo now. Love it. Just turned 27 so I got plenty of time to grow!


I train Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I want to try Judo to learn takedowns to likely improve my Jiu Jitsu. I can see how it can be very beneficial for a self-defense scenario to learn Judo. So, I am going to check it out in a few months.


I did Judo for three years when i was a kid in the 70's. I only took it up because i was bullied so much at school. Into my third year in Judo i gained a Bronze medal and was a Yellow three orange stripes. I became confident in fighting situes, i never not one fight did i lose. Then into my third year i received a severe blow to the head-pedestrian RTA. I have never done Judo since. 45 years later i still pine to get back onto the Judo mat.
My fitness and positivity from the Judo helped me survive.
Good luck to all Judokas. I seriously envy you🙏


Judo black belt here: Judo is definitely up there as a great martial art for self defence, but I’d be hesitant to say it’s THE BEST.

If I had to pick one, it would be Combat Sambo. You get the emphasis on throwing, plus learn how to strike.


As a BJJ fighter, since the white belt I always thought judo was the best for self defense


Thanks for the video, Joey. A pretty good coverage. A couple of points.

"Ju" means "flexible", not "gentle." Ric Adamcik, of RIKI DOJO USA, LLC, specifically corrects this in his YouTube videos as he emphasizes that Judo, while devoid of striking with a limb, does have body strikes and "is very combative." Judo is full of hard yanks, pushes (including with one's knuckles), and other moves to drive the opponent's body in some direction. The reasons are historical: Japanese Jujitsu, Judo's ancestor, was for fighting an armored opponent. Thus, limb strikes were ineffective, but body strikes, throws, and joint locks were the way to go.

Another point is that, legally, Judo is advantageous not only because of incremental control (no need to choke out or break bones if the opponent complies), but also because it looks a lot more defensive to witnesses than a hard punch or kick would look. A Judoka with enough training can do a Tomoe Nage or Yoko Otoshi by pretending to lose balance and fall backwards "by accident". (Who falls backwards on purpose in a fight?) To the untrained eye, the attacker charged, knocked the defendant down, and accidentally went over, so it's his own fault.


Folkstyle Wrestling -S
Judo, Greco W, Catch W, Sambo, & Freestyle W -A
Everything else subpar
Love the video
