216: The End of an Era

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As 2022 wraps up, in many ways it signals the end of the “pandemic” era of thinking, both professionally and personally. Join us for a recap of 2022 in the context of the past few years, and a look ahead to a world that is once again full of possibility.
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I did in fact love the era ... looking forward to the future, but definitely apprehensive ... y'all did a LOT of good in this time, and I really and truly appreciate you guys.


One of the things i will remember the pandemic era for, is two guys sitting across the world from where i live and seeming a little shocked themselves by a world closing down, decided to bring a little sanity to the world and started playing the Arkham Horror : Forgotten Age.

This was so important to me as a “World will stand” statement and introduced me to a game that i now love and own everything of.

I loved that playthrough. So many great moments with Tony Zeros 😄

Thanks for your many streams over the last years.


Can't wait for the future of the streams and everything. There's a new Fantasy Flight Star Wars deck-building game that I cannot wait to watch you guys play haha. Till next year fellas, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Cheers!


You and your team have been such an influential part of my life for the past several years; especially during the pandemic. Thank you for introducing me to such amazing games (star wars miniatures!, spycraft! sol forge/sorcery) and re-introducing me to my long forgotten treasures (sw tcg/ccg! lotr tcg!). It seems weird but it almost feels like saying good bye to a friend after graduation or something lol. Thanks for everything and see yah in the discord!


The end of an era indeed. I've been purchasing from and watching TC content for the better part of a decade(Star Wars LCG days) but this pandemic era has made me feel part of the community, quite literally thousands of miles away. At a time when FLGS everywhere shut their doors and gamers lost the space to play in person, these TC streams have been a Haven. Whether tuning in live or watching later(or even rewatching my favorites, which I do and will contiue to do), it felt like being at my FLGS. A couple of guys, playing some games, chatting about nothing, or even deep philosophy chats... it felt I was hanging out with friends. It has truly been sanity-saving during a time when sanity was at a premium.
from the bottom of my heart... Thank You!!

Looking forward to the next era of Team Covenant!!


You all brought me arkham horror and I have enjoyed watching you during a dark time of the world and you all brought so much love and sanity into my own world. Thank you all for everything you have done! You all have grown so much in the tabletop gaming world.


We have went from “I’m going to play FAB by myself because it’s that good” to having multiple Armory events near me to choose from. We went from watching the stream just to see what actual cards looked like because there were none available to being able to buy cases of product from multiple outlets on day of release, including the LGS. What a wild and crazy 3 years it’s been…


Thanks guys, I always get way more out of these than just hobby related happenings. All the best in everything to you both and everyone behind the scenes.


The passion this team shows is second to none!


Look forward to seeing what's next from you guys. Although you are obviously serious about doing a good job, you never seem to take yourselves too seriously which is great to see.

For me the content that I really engaged with was the Arkham Horror streams. If possible I'd love to see the odd 3 or 4 player stream of that as it may give some deckbuilding space for some leftfield characters. Back in the day I really loved your Netrunner and X-Wing commentary too, more so than other commentators coming the same games. It was always the conversational, relaxed, humorous nature to those presentations that was really enjoyable (backed up with, but not focused on, the game specific knowledge).


I worked in production support for thirty years and your discussion on your implementation of your new website reminds me of the one rule I have for anything I did - Figure out how you are going to get back to here before you go anywhere.


I am sad I wont get to see you guys play Arkham going forward but I so get it. Wish you nothing but the best.


The "hero" was always the tyrant. Dictators have consistently risen under the premise of saving the public from something.

I am happy that you guys survived a self induced economic downturn across this country.

I hope people teach their kids and grandchildren about this time period so that citizens do not blindly cede their sovereignty to talking heads under the premise of a looming threat that they have little information on.

This has happened every three or so generations in our country as that knowledge fades.
