ASMR | Restoring a Neglected Larch BONSAI | no talking

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Glad you are here. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, snuggle up in a blanket and relax.

This Episode from my channel naturgeist shows the designing, pruning and shaping of a yamadori larch bonsai tree on a beginner level. However, it is not a guide to Bonsai styling, but rather about the sounds during the processes.

0:00 Intro
1:55 360° View
2:10 Pruning
7:16 Wiring
15:02 Applying Cutpaste
17:46 360° View
18:02 Outro

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Hello Friend! This is more than just a video, you put love and passion into it. Great job! Thank you for sharing this video.. Always believe in yourself and keep doing what you love, good luck


Wow tolles Video und Mega tolle Lärche! Ist dir sehr gelungen! 👍👍👍👍


Sehr gut gemacht, jetzt kommt ein Video nach dem anderen! Produktiv ohne Ende 👍. Weiter so ich bleib dran. Ich wollte dir schon vorschlagen Feuer und Wasser mehr einzuarbeiten. Das kommt sehr gut 👍 entspannend.


Very helpful video sir
Greetings from india
This video helpful for all bonsai lovers


Nice, thanks for sharing, new friend,


What a great restoration! Thank you for sharing


Excellent work! Wondering if I should get wiring my young Larch forest!


Great job Dorian! Lovely, calming video 😊


pembuatan vidionya sangat bagus terlihat alami saya jadi terinspirasi salam kenal salam satu hobi bonsai..
semoga makin sukses selalu ya


The fire place and the switching between phone and camera worked a treat. The lighting was just right for that fireside feeling. Ambience and background noise is an A* Dorian. Great styling on the Larch and it looks good. One of my favourite trees and strangely it is one of the few species that I leave alone this time of year. I get to spoil myself with pruning and styling in February as those buds just start to swell. Cheers for this, Xav


Lovely video and nice tree makeover ! Also a tree I need to add to my collection, they are so cool looking with the color-changing needles. I was wondering, what kind of substrate do you use for your trees? Also, will there be any voiced-over version of this video? Cheers :)


Oh no i realy have to wait here on youtube to, just like the tv lol im out
