How to sort a data frame by a column in pandas

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to sort a dataframe by a column in pandas, you can use the `sort_values()` function. this function allows you to sort the dataframe based on one or more columns. here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to sort a dataframe by a column in pandas:

step 1: import the pandas library

step 2: create a sample dataframe
let's create a sample dataframe to demonstrate the sorting operation.

step 3: sort the dataframe by a column
you can use the `sort_values()` function to sort the dataframe by a specific column. in this example, we will sort the dataframe by the 'age' column in ascending order.

step 4: sort the dataframe in descending order
if you want to sort the dataframe in descending order, you can set the `ascending` parameter to `false`.

that's it! you have successfully sorted a dataframe by a column in pandas. you can also sort by multiple columns by passing a list of column names to the `by` parameter in the `sort_values()` function.

here is the complete code example for reference:


#python columns
#python column types
#python column to string
#python column sum
#python column contains string

python columns
python column types
python column to string
python column sum
python column contains string
python column names
python column vector
python column data type
python column rename
python column to list
python dataclass
python dataframe
python data analysis
python data structures
python databricks
python data types
python data science
python data visualization