Ubuntu 18.04 LTS First Impressions | Final Beta

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Just my quick thoughts/first impressions/initial review on the incoming Ubuntu LTS release, 18.04, the Bionic Beaver in its final beta. Does this release deserve a full review? What is Ubuntu's purpose in 2018? Let me know down below.

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I have tried other Linux Distribution, but I always come back to Ubuntu. It has always been the most reliable for my work. I also much prefer Gnome over Unity.


Completely ditching unity is definitely going to be a problem, at least in the short term. Not unifying the title bar of a maximized window with the top panel is reason enough for me to avoid this. Unity was great at utilizing maximum screen real estate for this exact reason, and the HUD makes it even better because you don't need a menu toolbar.


I'm a big fan of Gnome Shell, and was excited to see Ubuntu move to that desktop environment. However, I hate what Ubuntu has done with it. If you're someone like me who wants a more "pure" gnome experience, you have to jump through all kinds of hoops to get there. And the theme is EXTREMELY dated.


Glad to see you reviewing again a major Linux distribution. I missed that :-)
An Ubuntu LTS release is always worth a deeper look.


I enjoy working with Ubuntu. I have been using it since around 2007 and have seen the changes over the years. I was so sure Ubuntu would spell the death of Microsoft but Windows is still around. I like the challenges of learning new stuff.


Good review, as usual.
Here's my general thoughts on Ubuntu, and Linux.

Ubuntu's (and Linux) problems on the desktop are largely self-inflicted.

Ubuntu TRIED to be modern and user friendly, not too long ago. Anyone remember Amazon integration, and the potential for mobile style apps?
But they got pushback, it was called "spyware" etc.

Ubuntu had a chance to be an alternative to the big OS that the masses needed, but the masses are attracted by pretty colours and cloud integration with services they often (netflix, amazon shopping, some office, GOOGLE, etc)

Unfortunately the Linux "community" sabotaged it. No other distro has a chance of coming even as close as Ubuntu did in around 2010-2013

Linux has missed the boat on the desktop. Yes android on mobile, but Android is where it is because Google did what it wanted. I feel Ubuntu might have benefited if Canonical did the same back then.

There are those of us who love linux and the alternative of FOSS but aren't zealots. Unfortunately I feel we are in the minority.


It is so good to have you back with regular videos!!!


Not all that different from 17.10.

It seems to be for some reason a lot of people forget that 17.10 exists, and assume that 18.04 is the first release with the change from Unity to Gnome Shell.


Ubuntu on my PC is sluggish ever since they switched to Gnome 3, unfortunately I have moved to Mint bcoz of this.
Interestingly Fedora is running like a dream on Gnome 3 (dunno why).

My config: i7 3537u, 6 GB Ram.


My main distro has been Ubuntu for about 10 years now. My number one wish is for it to become a rolling distro. I also have Arch on a laptop and I like that I get the latest software but I don't like having to troubleshoot when updates go wrong (which happens once or twice a year).


I am Mint + Mate user, so for me, Ubuntu exists as as primary source. My first Linux was RedHat, in '97 or '98, but the first one I used as a daily was Ubuntu, in about '06.
Ubuntu Mate has got to a point now, where if Mint vanished, I could go to it and be quite comfortable, but I've rather learned to love my Mint, so.... I have no plans to go to anything else unless something rather drastic happens.


I'd agree with your sentiments. I've followed ubuntu for a very long time hoping their vision would come to fruition... but it didn't. They tried and basically folks didn't care enough to make it happen. They are still relevant and a good base to have around, especially for new linux users, but I'm looking to who is pushing into new territory now days... I basically run Solus on the desktop, and elementary on the laptop... yeah elementary is ubuntu based, but I like what they are trying to do ... even if it ultimately fails too. They are pushing. Solus feels fresh and I like what they are attempting with the linux steam integration etc.


Ubuntu's purpose today is to spawn better forks.


Mate and XFCE (dark varieties) are my favorite Linux desktops.
And it's actually Linux Mint these days - it's even more robust for me than Ubuntu. This Gnome desktop is probably suits better for the touch-enabled screens.


"What's going on internet, I.G here, back from the dead"


glad to see you back, hopefully you build up the fans again


What's funny is, I started using Ubuntu right before Ambiance etc. were introduced, so they are imprinted on me as "new, " ha ha!

I understand your point with making a statement in the long-term release, but I disagree. Actually that is the purpose of the 6-month releases, or an intentionally cutting edge distro like Fedora, to make those speculative steps. For instance, Unity was included in 11.04 (if I recall correctly), and subsequently in 12.04. So to people who watch the long-term support releases, it was a significant break from tradition. Same story with GNOME this time, and I imagine the same will be true if Canonical rethinks their default theme.


First let me thank you for staying with the Linux community. Your posts are always very well thought out and professionally put together. Having said that, I'd like to know which other distros you feel have pulled ahead of Ubuntu like you mentioned. I ask because I tend to agree with you. No flame war intended friends.


Yayyy so good to see you posting i was sad when u werent
Keep up the amazing videos 😍


I always like to have an LTS desktop handy locally so i can closely mimic my server env in development.
