If They Wanted To Be In Your Life, They Would Be

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We search through our library of mistakes that we keep in the back of our mind, to find a reason why they left.

Was it because you cared too much? Did you seem too clingy? Did they feel unloved at any given point?

What happened and why aren’t they here with you right now?

Why are you alone, on the verge of tears, asking yourself if you did something wrong when you were the one putting all the effort in?

You don’t deserve excuses.
Believing that the person you hold so dear doesn’t have the same amount of concern for you as you do for them is heartbreaking.

You were always the first one to run to their side. You were always the best shoulder to cry on.

They would tell you that they appreciated you, that they thought of you as the most reliable person.

Life does get in our way sometimes.

People won’t always be there for you and that is a fact that stands.

Everyone has the need to spend time alone and do things on their own, so you can’t get mad when someone tells you no.

It’s a normal thing to need time for yourself.

You need them, but they aren’t there for you.

When you’re always running to save someone from heartbreak and you’re always there to help someone back on their feet when they’re feeling down, you have a right for the same treatment in return.

Stop bending over backward for people who won’t do the same in return!

Your heart shatters every time you remember that they’re not there for you when you need them the most.

How many times have your messages gone unanswered? How many calls went to voicemail? Did your pleading and begging fall on deaf ears?

We hang on to every hope we have for a future when they will keep the promises that seem so empty right at this moment.

You have grown tired of these lies.
That future will never arrive and you are becoming more and more aware of it.

You have so much empathy for other people that none of it is left to be spent on yourself.

You always understand where everyone else is coming from, because you know how guilty they may feel.

Maybe they aren’t a bad person, but you’re just not as important to them.

Realizing this will make your stomach drop. It’s hard to explain when you need to admit this.

You want to hate them for not being there for you. You want them to realize how much they hurt you and feel your pain.

You can’t force someone to stay in your life and care about you and that’s OK.
People will come and go. When someone really wants to be there for you, they will be. If they want to stay in your life, they will make sure you know.

People will promise you things and tell you how much you mean to them, but these are empty words.

If they wanted to be in your life, they would be.
These people won’t tell you how much they wish they could be there for you, but rather they will make an actual effort to show up.

Someone who actually cares about you will see the real you and they will appreciate everything you do for them.

However, they will know how strong you are but that you still have moments where you need support.

They will know how hard it is to maintain a healthy relationship and that it requires work and effort from both parties.

You deserve someone who is honest with you.

Because of that, if they wanted to be in your life, they would be.

I know that your heart wants to keep them close even when you know you shouldn’t, but you deserve better than that.

Know that this one person isn’t the only human being out there who can give you love and affection.

There are so many people out there and I know it sounds clichéd, but please listen to me before you tire yourself out.

You will meet so many people in your life and there will be ones who will put everything aside to be there for you.

Do you regret letting certain people go and moving on from them? Let us know in the comment section below....


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