Sekolah Pelita Harapan - TEDx Youth @SPH 2018: Tsamara Amany

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One of SPH Lippo Village’s momentous events, TEDx Youth @SPH, was held last Saturday, September 15, 2018, at @America, Pacific Place, Jakarta. This year’s TEDx Youth @SPH theme was “IMP(ACT)” which focuses on how to create impact to the world through various fields of work. This event was opened for public and attracted many audiences, both from and outside the SPH community, who wanted to hear inspirational talks by six distinguished speakers:

1. Ananda Sukarlan, Concert Pianist and Indonesian Composer
2. Tsamara Amany, Politician and One of the Founders of Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI)
3. Imam Kurniawan, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Jogja SDGs
4. Valentine Gandhi, a Think-Tank, Senior Evaluator and Development Researcher
5. Josephine Komara, Founder of BIN House Batik
6. Last Day Production, Youtuber

So proud of you Tsamara👍👍👍very soon you become the new rising star in politic🙏


Maju terus Tsamara, ga ada salahnya kita anak muda buat belajar. Kapan lagi kalo ga mulai dari sekarang. Emg banyak orgtua pasti beranggapan anak muda yg gatau apa2 lah, masih bau kencur. Tapi cuekin aja. Maju terus ! Yg komen2 sexual abuses itu malah keliatan isi otaknya cuma itu doang. Gabisa apa2 mereka.


you sound like you put quite a lot of efforts to your
