The Fall of the House of Usher

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"During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was; but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. (...) I looked upon (...) the simple landscape (...) of the domain—upon the bleak walls — (...) — upon a few white trunks of decayed trees—with an utter depression of soul (...). There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart— (...)."

This is not a regular video because I have been going through "irregular" times. On and off depression, I felt alienated these past few days and quite honestly I was afraid of thoughts that were lingering in the back of my mind.

I went to the doctor today and slowly I'm going through it.
If you are going through tough times as well, just throw me a text maybe we can both figure this out.

Music: Max Richter - Tom's Lullaby

Love you all.

Movie list

Detachment, Shame, Third Star, Lost in Translation, Her, Good Will Hunting, The Tree of Life, The Royal Tenenbaums, Forrest Gump, Dead Poets Society, Manchester By the Sea, Arrival, Locke, Drive, Birdman, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, The Great Gatsby


If there is one thing that hasn't changed and that will always going to be well, It's your editing.
You deserve all of the happiness of the world, always remember how precious you are my friend.


The worst thing you can do in these times David is to be alone .. And trust me don't be alone, man !! I hope you get out da labyrinth you're trapped in.. You in my prayers, dawg... Peace


I remember the first time I watched this video. It was 4 years ago and at that time, I started to study English Philology at University. The Fall of the House of Usher was one of the stories that we read. And I was searching some stuff for that story when ı found this beautiful video. And since then, I still come and watch this video time to time. Now I graduated but can not leave this video. Many thanks my friend, for that piece of art.


I’m sorry I cant help you directly, I send you my wishes and hope you get better, keep visiting the doctor, and talk to your family for they can be amazing in support


What a tragically beautiful video.

My heart goes out for you, GaroStudios. I sometimes feel the weight myself. I carry on by holding onto the light in others and how they see it in me.


Legendary Cinematic editing! I have many emotions while watching


All my sincere best wishes to you Mr David. I hope you find the strength and happiness you need. You have a whole community of people here that truly truly appreciate you, and see your value. I wish it was possible for me to do more. Your videos have always been a constant source of happiness and entertainment for me, and for so many others. We stand with you. If there's anything we can do...let us know. We're here.


This is such an incredible community here. We'll all help one another get through it whatever it is for each and every one of us.


No wonder you videos are so touching, man. You have a sensitive heart. Only a sensitive heart fall into depression. But remember, a heart that feels is a heart alive.

Power through the bad times. It is always darkest before dawn.


Your edits help me when it grows dark. I hope the fact you bring joy and beauty into the world helps you.
You bring beauty, you are beautiful.



Your videos are pure art. Every one I watch makes me feel emotions I
do not normally feel and they give me a greater appreciation for the
content. I have watched and re-watched most (if not all) of your work and I
wish I could watch all of them for the first time again. You give me, and many
others, something to look forward to. What you are going through is
tough, but when you get through it you will be stronger because of it.

On behalf of all of your followers, we love you.


Whenever I'm losing faith, seeing ure videos, gives some light, Thank you ❄️


So much meaning and power in something less than 2 minutes. More than just a video


Your jaime lannister edits helped me through a bad time i kinda showed me that theres hope in everyone and i want to give the same to you, you can get through this. Your work is phenominal as ever


Hi Man, I Don t know if you will ever read this message, but I am a great fan of you. I watch every single videos. I wanted to tell you that this period will pass. I suffered a lot from depression and hard times. Every single day was Hell and it was like I was in a cage and there was only pain. But things will change, I promise you, my friend. You gave to stay strong and positive. Focus on your passion. Good things will come. Never give up. You deserve to be happy. If you ever need to talk I am here, for everything.
You are an Artist, never forget that, you inspire many people, including me.
Stay strong, my brother


This reminded of the time I was having a year or so of off on-and-on depression due to financial and family circumstances. Spot on the feelings. Then I read your comment and it all made sense. I am glad you are seeking advice and help. The best thing to do is to surround yourself with people who can empathize and help soothe bits and pieces away at a time. Sometimes it comes from the most surprising places! Sometimes I also found inspiration in shows. Although Star Trek TNG and Voyager were shows I liked already, these shows, the determination helped saved part of my sanity in knowing that against incredible situations you must be determined to live the best life you can. Hugs and I hope that the biggest obstacles will be gradually lifted and that you will find inner peace.


This video is a work of art. I hope that making it brought you some relief. Thank you for sharing. ❤️


First of all. This is so beautifully edited. Was pleasently suprised to see movies I adore! (Lost in Translation, Drive, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind & The Great Gatsby)
Secondly, please feel free to drop into my Dm's if you need someone to listen. I wish you the best. We love & care about you.


Wow! I've seen many vids about depression, but none so poignant. I feel how much of yourself you put into this, it's very impressive and humbling, somehow, to see a bit of what you're going through. I do hope you'll get better. Your vid really is wonderful!
