Rapture or Apostasy? 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Apostasia vs Aposte

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2 Thessalonians 2:3 is it the rapture or an apostasy from the truth? This is the second video covering this topic. The argument is over the word in biblical greek apostasia. There is a false doctrine going around in Christian apologetics that seek to rewrite scripture. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 speaks of a falling away or apostasy & the man of sin being revealed before the Lord returns & gathers is to Himself. That is stark contrast to the pretribulation rapture position which says the church will be raptured before any of the antichrist is revealed. Rather than change their doctrine to be more in line with the scripture they insist on rewriting the scripture by redefining the word apostasia as a rapture. Dismissing thousands of years of etymology & linguistics to prop up their failed doctrine. Rewriting scripture is incompatible with Christian eschatology. In the last video we went through scripture & analyze how the word apostasia is used, break this compound word down, & use their logic by showing how ridiculous the scripture sounds when we replace apostasy with rapture in this scripture. In this video we will be focusing on Greek Grammar & how the false teachers try to pass off the verb Aposte for the noun Apostasia.

Video mentions:
Rapture or Apostasy? 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Part 1

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I see what the dispensational are doing after watching it the second time.


The pre trib doctrine seems to be adjusted more and more as time goes by. I'm old enough to remember when they said 1988 was the year of the rapture because of their misunderstanding of "this generation shall not pass away".


Well done. I will definitely be sharing this video. Now, an important question:

When is the Redemption of Israel?


He upsets dispeys in the last presentation but then he comes out with more. Haha But wait there’s more! Good one! 4:51


What I find so amazing Josh is this!
You and I can both go to Scripture and show Precisely where "Apostasia" is used in the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament, (Proving) that the Greek Word "Apostasia" is always used "Consistently" in Scripture and is always used in its True Context!
Its Context is always in relation to Apostasy!
Those that say Falsely that "Apostasia" just means to depart from a Location, "Cannot" and "Will Not" ever show a Verse in Scripture nor in any Greek Literature where "Apostasia" is used in such a manner!
What they do is go to a Totally Different Greek Word as though the other Greek Word is "Apostasia!"
They even say that the Rapture is the "Apostasia" which is False and is Ludicrous!
The Apostasia is not the Harpazo nor is it the Rapture!
They cannot Prove their Statement about the Greek Word "Apostasia!"
If "Apostasia" was used by Greek Authors when speaking of simply departing from a Physical Location like a room, or a house, or a town etc, then you would expect to find that Greek Word "Apostasia" all through Scripture when a Person is speaking of a person simply departing from a Physical Location, but you won't!
This Great Lie by those that say "Apostasia" just means to depart from a Physical Location must be exposed and stopped in its tracks!
What they do, destroys Scripture and destroys the Greek Language!
There is "No" Greek Literature that exists in the World where the Greek Author uses the Greek Word "Apostasia" when they are writing about a person physically departing from a Room, or a House, or a Building, or a Town, or a City, or a Regional Area!
No Greek Literature exists in the World!
But all Greek Literature that exists in the World shows "Apostasia" as being used in relation to "Apostasy", to "rebellion", a Turning from Truth, a Forsaking of Truth, of Turning from Following the Lord, of Religious Apostasy!
