How to create corona virus GIS operations dashboard using ArcGIS Online

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Create Operations Dashboard
Using ArcGIS Online
A dashboard is a view of geographic information that helps you monitor events or activities. Steps include:
• Add your Data in ArcMap with symbology
• Publish your map service with ArcGIS Organizational account
• Create a new web map
• Use above map to create a new dashboard
• Add Gauge, Pie chart, Indicator elements etc.
• Save and Publish
Using ArcGIS Online
A dashboard is a view of geographic information that helps you monitor events or activities. Steps include:
• Add your Data in ArcMap with symbology
• Publish your map service with ArcGIS Organizational account
• Create a new web map
• Use above map to create a new dashboard
• Add Gauge, Pie chart, Indicator elements etc.
• Save and Publish
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