7 SCARY GHOST Videos That'll Chill You To The Bone

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7 SCARY GHOST Videos That'll Chill You To The Bone - Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.

In this episode of 7 scary ghost videos, you will see: 7 scary ghost videos that'll chill you to the bone! These include; Terrifying paranormal activity caused by a poltergeist is caught on camera inside a haunted house. Urban Explorer Chris from URBEX HILL visits an infamously haunted building where he captures a real ghost on tape. A scary TikTok video shows what might just be the most bizarre and strange incident ever captured. A shadow figure is caught on video but is it a real ghost? A demon plays tricks on a man inside his home who realises he is being haunted by something evil. A scary TikTok video shows a mysterious voice echoing from beyond the grave, viewers believe it's the voice of a ghost. And finally a scary Japanese ghost video has a terrifying jumpscare that'll make you scream! Ghosts, spirits EVP and Japanese ghosts are in today's episode plus many more scary things! These are 7 SCARY GHOST Videos That'll Chill You To The Bone



00:00 - Intro
00:04 - 7 SCARY GHOST Videos That'll Chill You To The Bone
17:53 - Outro


MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!

7 SCARY GHOST Videos That'll Chill You To The Bone

#scary #ghost #creepy

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Hope you all enjoy today/tonights video where ever you are ❤


I'm definitely a believer, and I love the channel, but the one where he's playing his keyboard and.... Just seems too much like an overkill. The heavy breathing seems forced, if you're that scared, LEAVE. It indicates to me that he wasn't alone, someone was helping him and everything was staged. I've been in some very scary situations and by myself, but always able to control my fear. I spend more time debunking than searching now. It seems more and more people just want to get a video online and it doesn't have to be real.


Urbex Hill has some of the creepiest videos. But the scariest videos on his channel have nothing to do with ghosts. It's actually the PEOPLE he runs into in these abandoned places that are the most frightening.


the screaming in the public restroom....they girl could be trolling him by screaming from the outside through the open small windows to make it sound like someone's inside screaming for help.


I’m just happy the commercial wasn’t about a 6400 dollar subsidy


Thank you for featuring my favorite channel Urbex Hill!!


Mind junkie and I showed motley Crue how to defeat Ozzy Osbourne in an ant snorting contest 🎸🤔🍺🍕😎


Just to be clear, whenever anybody is wandering through an abandoned building they are never alone. They are crawling with crackheads, meth heads and occasionally sprinkled with serial killers.


درود شما عالی هستی از ایران درود به شما🇮🇷❤.


Голос автора завораживает. Спасибо Вам! Было интересно! 👻👍


people cant disappear from a dead end tunnel and no where for someone to hide for a fake video creepy isn't it


That last one been uploaded by you before. I was being skeptical of reuploads until i saw that last one. You 100% posted it before!


Teşekkürler kardeşim Türkiye'den selamlar


7 = Potato Quality. Why would you be filming instead of grabbing a bat, knife, gun, or other object to use as a weapon?
6. He is supposed to be an “Urban Exploration” channel. Now, he is always running into “paranormal” activity and people living in abandoned buildings. The homeless living in abandoned buildings is more realistic, but he goes into their homes, even though it says “Keep Out, ” or it is obvious that someone is squatting there. UrbanEx = relatively uneventful… add “paranormal” events and other drama? Get views, subs, money, etc.
5. Water + technology = not great sound quality. There are other videos out there that have similar sounds showing up in the audio. Odd, but it’s not paranormal.
4. Come on… this can be reproduced easily… with or without editing.
3. Some stuff is off about this clip… small hand. Looks human. A person would have to be standing in an awkward manner to put their palm on the corner of the glass without being seen… there is an odd shaky, out of focus moment after the hand disappears and the camera man stands up where a cut would be easy to hide… not saying there is one… but this could be reproduced easily. Or maybe an odd reflection from his hand on the opposite corner? Also, if he thought some stranger was in his house, why would you not set down the phone and get a weapon?
2. Sounds possibly overlayed, but it would have been even easier to stick a speaker in the restroom…
1. Staged and edited. Cool little video, but not real.


Do you really think a truly malevolent entity would be so congenial as to allow you to upload footage to your yt channel before making you disappear ? Nowadays, channels like daveram owe most of their persuasiveness to the very fact that they fell dormant right after a supernatural entity revealed itself in a most menacing and malevolent fashion. 14 years ago, however, it was still possible for users to maintain more than one yt channel under manifold fictitious identities without even yt itself being able to do something about individuals who used a dozen or more of those for less_than_savoury purposes. My suspicion is that the person behind the channel FreezeDaveRam did create the very channel mostly because in order to be taken at face value, the "Poltergeist" video needed to be a stand-alone affair. Assuming the uploader did have another yt channel, it may very well have been dedicated to his keyboard playing. Uploading the ghost video on a different channel under a different identity might`ve been warranted for a variety of reasons: On his main yt channel, the uploader`s reputation was at stake, especially considering the fact that many of his channel`s regulars would probably dismiss ANY video with paranormal content as an insult to their intelligence and a waste of their time. The uploader`s authentic-sounding sobbing and hyperventilating wouldn`t have convinced such people otherwise; the only thing they would`ve taken away from watching the Poltergeist clip was the presumption that the esteemed keyboard virtuoso was on the verge of descending into a paranoid psychosis.


The Urbex Hill one was the scariest. The Briidive reminds me of a dark version of the Little Mermaid. The Alotofmusic one reminds me of the Grudge


Can we all agree that the 1st video uploader is ok since he uploaded the video after recording it??


Doesn't he see the shadowy figure in the first video?


Im not impressed by the swimming video!!! That could be people out of site but close enough to hear that as sound travels through water for miles!!! It shows nothing at all😂


Did no one else see the eye at the back of the fish tank at 13:03? If you slow it to .25 then pause it's plain as day, then when the fingers move you see the eye close and disappear.
