How To Reboot Digimon Adventure 02

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New Story, New Team, New Villain! Is that Willis & Meiko?! TheDigiKnow shares a pitch for a full season reboot of Digimon Adventure 02 -- a sequel to the 2020 Adventure Reboot.

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Writing, Narration & Editing: @CoreyOnline
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There should 100% be teases that Tai is the Digimon Emperor.

Also the dark spores should be used as an attempt to try and make dark counters to the digidestined. Basically the only difference from the original is the kids get their partners early.


This idea is actually surprisingly solid, i deeefinitely would enjoy seeing how the plot would progress in the anime


This sounds like an awesome season!!

I’d love to see the full lines and Armour forms for this season. Could be a great collaboration episode with Karn EX!


I would LOVE to see this concept! The reboot gives us so many ways to reimagine the cast and alternate evolutions


Since the 02 gang have Holy Digimon reincarnations as their partners, I'm not sure if DNA digivolution would be necessary. I imagine each of the partner Digimon would have their own unique Ultimate and Mega forms this time around.


My guess would be that midway through the season, a General Ripper would blame the destined for the Digimon attacks back in 2020 plus the nuke attack, and would probably fuel the fear between races


8:09, that's what I thought, too! Something goes wrong with Tai's plans to live in the DigiWorld and our world, and now he and Agumon are trapped with no way home until Kari's team comes to rescue them. That's at least what I thought the first arc could be without rushing things.


I say the armor digieggs aren’t inculded, but the armor forms are alternative champion forms, expect for the two golden digieggs, and the digiegg of darkness, which i say are infact important.


I love all your ideas, especially being able to connect some aspects that seemed to ignore in the first remake so that your ideas bring so much value to them, Very creative.


would be interesting if in this season, the digimentals are like big statues like the crests were in 2020, so the kids doesnt own them, more like they sync with them which unlocks the armor evolution, this would allow to be used by all the kids if needed, or because their personalities they can sync with specific digimentals (like why yolei didnt got knowledge? when she is like izzy 2.0)

I really love the whole concept for this season!


My pitch for the 2020 sequel is the following

-Tai's missing for the first few episodes as the rebirthed Digimon from the Holy war are born (Vee Mon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, and Meicomon)
-Davis, Yolhei, and Cody get more characterization to be more grounded, like Davis doesn't have a crush on kari but the pair are actual friends, so he knows Tai but Kari has kept his time in the digital world
- not repeating the same plot points of 02, so Ken's life is different as he becomes more the lone hero making a difference before finally joining the team
-keeping fewer old faces in Adventure canon as villains, so no black wargreymon
-Armors, Jogress remain, and full Evo lines for the 02 team
-Everyone has more time as mentors, meaning we see everyone in requegent epsides in the first act, going more into bigger team act 2 forward
-Meiko and Meicomon join before the 2nd act, revealing Meicomon's memories of the holy war
-No Dark Ocean, let's never talk of that plot point again
-expand on real concepts 02 couldn't do, so a bigger world tour arc just revealing together around the world, meeting different Digidestineds, , no two man teams.


I love the concept!!! The story line is amazing. Would be cool for the secondary chosen children act as mentees to the originals as their successor


You could have Meicoomon go evil because of the dark ocean and finally have an arc dedicated to that place


It could just me, but remember the episodes when Ken kidnapped Agumon and corrupted him, prompting Taichi and Yamato (well, Yamato for plot because crest of friendship, but still) to join the fight? A part of me thinks that Koushiro, Sora, Jou and Mimi should've joined the fray and show Ken that if you incur the wrath of the original 8 digidestined + the rookie 3 like this, you're gonna have one serious butt whooping.

On the other hand, this could've also been saved for the final fight with Ken and his Kimeramon. Let the new Digidestined team have the final strike, but these are one of the two moments where the 11 should've been facing off Ken in the Digital world. He was the reason the older 6 couldn't do much most of the time because normal evolution was blocked because of the dark spires. The older 6 could've come in to join later once Ken's base was destroyed, making the dark spires lose their power.


This is amazing! I couldnt have connected the dots better.
If willis had Terriermon he could still evolve to rapidmon Gold and then Raijinmon for a mega during the Ryo arc lol

And I LOVE the tai arc at the beginning because by the end they could have Tai digivolve to mega to stop the first Big bad because he is above all their innitial power levels, a sort of tongue in cheek callback to Tai stealing all the glory in 2020, and give the new group a goal that they can all ascend past champion and get to mega.

Also in revenge of Diaboromon ark, you could have the OGs fighting argomon in the digital world and Diaboromon fighting the 02 cast as a reincarnation of abbadomon Core.


I really think Ken not being a digidestined kind undermines his character arc. Other then that, I like what you did hehe

Also, I think Davis should still be using Tai's gogles. He found then before the start of the show, and that can be a clue as to where Tai is.

And finally, I'd make it so that Black WarGreymon is Tai's agumon corrupted somehow!


I want this to happen so bad but I want the 02 reboot to have a dark ocean arc.


If I were Toei I would take this concept as part of the 02 reboot; all of this is really good and it's probably the most logical outcome for this hypothetical series. However, there are a two things I would add/change:
1. Every instance where Omnimon showed up was the catalyst to where our chosen children were picked; just having everyone of the 02 kids conveintly on the train sounds too much of a cope out for their reasons for having digimon. The first battle, Orochimon battle, and the final battle are all good points to where exposure of digimon to children would be good enough, not just one incident.
2. Emphasis how digimon are being kept secret from the public eye, mainly the government. Without Gennai and his digital species, or whatever you want to call them, governments of the world or just Japan would be keeping tabs on or attempting to capture digimon. Sure Koshiro would make conutermeasures of some kind but even he can't do it all. Maybe have Mei's story tied to that with her father being a politiician who's making sure digimon are covered up as best as they can or at least protecting the kids.
Other than that, everything else is good.


I really like this idea but at the same time I want them to break away from 02's plot. I like the fact that Adventure 2020 was still its own thing even though it utilised established characters from the original show.

Question: Who would you make as the endgame boss? An established digimon or a completely new digimon?
