Python Day 02 Project 1 Installing Python, PyCharm and writing the 1st Python Code

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Python Day 01:
To learn any programming (lack luster)
Who and when it was founded/created
What are the features?
How you go about writing Python code.
Python Day 02:
Getting started with Python
Choose corresponding to your OS.
Current version is Python 3.7.4
Ensure you add it to the path
Click on Install now
Installation should complete successfully.
2. Installing Python IDE
a. Lot of Python IDE’s.
b. PyCharm for IDE.
d. Download the community edition and install.
e. Launch the IDE.
3. Writing our 1st few test Python programs.
a. Easy with the UX features.
b. Create a new Project
c. Create a new Python File.
d. Extension of it .py
e. Python looks to write code more like English.
f. Reduce as many unnecessary commands or special characters
g. Blank lines are irrelevant. Used for esthetics.
h. No semicolon or other characters at the end of a statement.
i. 1 line per statement.
j. Spaces and Tabs become very critical in Python.
k. A lot on coding comes with basic math.
l. Conditions. How to take a decision based on an event?
m. Easiest condition in Python … is a if-statement
Tabs are used to show a group of code. Like { } [] in other languages.
o. Variables in Python - store data, use/update as needed during program execution.
p. Errors during program execution. Needs to be identified and fixed.
q. Any line, text u dont want Py to execute, make it a comment by adding # in front of it.

Python Day 03:
Number Types:
Int = 10
Float = 56.55
Complex = 1j
2. There is no necessity to declare variable.
3. Type can change based on the data coming in
4. Camel case … standards and some kind of within-project-way-of-doing-things
a. 1st Letter of all words are Uppercase, except the 1st word.
i. Ex: Date Of Birth … dateOfBirth
ii. savingsAccountBalance
Python Day 04
Simple methods like str(), type()
Hard coding of data - input done at a code level, not coming from outside.
Variables are your simplest data holders.
When you want to work with group of related variables, we can use
5. A programmer needs to run the program execution in mind before executing on the m/c.
6. Programming Errors
a. Syntax Error - Python does not understand what you wrote. IDE’s assist and help in solutions before running the program.
b. Run Time/Execution Error - Wrong with the logic. Error happened during execution. Stop and terminate at the point.
i. If they come during your coding, you can easily fix before deploying.
ii. Post deployment you have to relook at it.

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