Daily Reflection with Aneel Aranha | Luke 21:1-4 | November 23, 2020

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Today's devotional — Tithing — is based on Luke 21:1-4, the gospel reading for the day. The reflection is by Aneel Aranha, founder of Holy Spirit Interactive (HSI).

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my life Jesus. I trust you will meet my needs....Yes, God is our bless you Bro..


Thank you for sharing this reflection today as a reminder to the HSI class we had this Sunday. As a child growing up, I remember how I used to give my pocket money towards use of charity works and how mysteriously I would get additional amounts back in the piggy bank. As a child we do not weigh the gains and the losses, I guess when we grow up that seems in our minds and then we start calculating the most when we have to Tithe. This reflection hit me hard since I too have always skipped tithing or tithing less when I had the means. It is a constant reminder to me that what I have is given by God and belongs to Him.


AMEN.. God bless you and your ministry


Lord, thank you for that Magic Purse. Let me always remember it when I fail to give generously.🙏


Praise God Thank You Brother Aneel God Bless You too


Thank you Br Aneel for the insightful reflection.. What great love (charity)! What great faith from the poor widow! How she just wanted to give back because of her trust & faith in God's providence! Can we too make a total surrender to God, in everything? The question shouldn't really be about the tenth. That is Holy to the Lord (Lev 27:32). As stewards, what are doing about the other 90% of God's grace? Jesus (who is GOD!) sat down opposite the treasury and watched! (Mark 12:41)
God does look at the heart ♥
(1 Sam 16:7)
Thank you HSI and God bless always!


Amen...🙏 God bless you brother Annel and your family and your ministry... Praise God Holy Trinity....☦️🕯️🙌


Psalm 24 The earth is the Lord's and it's fullness thereof
