The Future of AI is Here: Baby AGI with GPT-4 & Langchain #langchain #gpt4 #babyagi #miniagi

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#babyagi #langchain #yoheinakajima

In this video, I take you through an exciting journey with BABY AGI and Langchain, demonstrating how to use a fascinating notebook built on top of Baby AGI. I'll show you how to run this notebook on Google Colab, and we'll explore the benefits of implementing Langchain with Baby AGI. By swapping out the execution chain for an AI agent with access to tools, we can obtain real, reliable information.

We will be using using Langchain Python , if you want you can use this with Langchain JavaScript, we'll discover how to integrate BabyAGI / AGI, GPT 4, and AI agents for powerful results.

In this video, we will use Pinecone alternative FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) and SerpAPI, I'll guide you through setting up your Open AI key, SerpApi key and run google colab notebook for Bbay AGI with Langchain.

We'll also explore how to work with Google Search using SerpApi To demonstrate the power of Baby AGI and Langchain, I will use two examples: finding the current weather conditions in Coimbatore and locating the best offer for an iPhone 14 on Amazon.


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Other Playlist:

Intro 0:00
Langchain Webiste 0:35
BabyAGI Langchain Google Colab notebook Setup 1:17
BabyAGI Langchain Google Colab notebook Demo 2:24
Outro 4:02
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You are doing gods work man, thank you


Great work bro . AAP video kisme record kar rhe ho bro ?


thank you so much for this, quick question, when putting in my prompt objective, its showing a syntax error "EOL while scanning string literal" is there a fix for this? thank you
