Call me on HF for the North Carolina QSO Party

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On February 28th I'll be operating in the North Carolina QSO party as a bonus station using the special callsign N4K, with Carl, W8WZ on CW, and myself on SSB. We'll primarily be on 40m but will also try 80m and 20m and possibly other bands as well. The contest goes from 1500 UTC February 28, 2021 to 0100 UTC March 1, 2021.

Please give us a call if you can!

"The N4K bonus station will be on the air from Garner, NC located in Wake County. W8WZ will work CW and KG4AKV will work SSB. We are operating from a tent set up on the grounds of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church. We will be running 100W. Antennas are a 40 meter dipole up 66 feet and an end fed half wave as an inverted L. We plan to operate on 40 meters as much as possible with service also provided on 80 and 20 as conditions permit. Other bands may be explored as well."
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P.S. I upgraded my amateur radio license from General to Extra class a couple weeks ago!


Hope you had fun! I did, N4MIO aka N4O for the 2021 NCQP, 73


Don't know if it's "legal" on Sunday during the QSO Party, but at least on Saturday for your testing, it would be great if you'd tweet out what frequencies you're on "live". Good luck! -Scott, K4KDR


Good to see you ! We've met, RARS, say hi to Carl. Take care. Tootles... Wade kk4ugy😷😜


I got a qso with John (N4K) at 16:45 on 7.197. 5-9 signal into EPA.
