RI DMV Modified Driver Skills Testing

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Hey all. I passed my test today and was so grateful to this video and the comments from others who passed before me with their advice. Reading the comments put me at ease to hear others found it easy and had similar concerns and questions as me.
1. Before the test I’d recommend calming your nerves and not overthinking it. If you are overstressed you may not think properly. Do something that you enjoy or that relaxes you. Listen to music that you like or that soothes you. Don’t go into the test too anxious.
2. Practice all the skills listed on this video and you should be set. Buying your own cones and practicing the exact routine in a parking lot will definitely help.
3. Signal everything. Use your signals to parallel park, three point turn, and hazards when backing up. Even if you think you are doing too much, it’s better to do more than less
3. Take your time, there is no rush and you are not being judged on speed.
4. For the parallel parking, the space they provide is pretty large and give plenty of space to maneuver into. Don’t worry about how perfect your park is. Worry more about doing the proper steps, signaling, and not hitting cones.
5. If you need to reset once to reposition or try the step again the instructors will let you once!
6. Don’t forget that stop sign at the end of the test towards step 5!
7. It’s easier for the instructors to pass you than do paperwork for a failure! They want you to succeed. Deep breath, you got this!


I just passed my test yesterday and it’s very easy! I recommend going to the providence dmv they literally walk you through everything. The last step just like everyone was saying when you get to station 5 they are going to ask you to safely move to station 6 but all you have to do is make sure you stop at the stop sign as you normally would on the road. Good blessings to anyone that has a test coming up!


just passed, and here is a tip. when doing parallel parking (station 4) turn on your right blinker and back up a little until your right side mirror is aligned with the cone in the middle. after that, stop, bring your wheel all the way to the right, and continue to reverse. look into your left side mirror and when you see the back left cone and/or the back of your wheel is aligned the back left cone, stop and turn your wheel the way to the left.

also, like the previous comments mention, don’t forget the stop sign at station 5!

the instructors are very kind and will tell you when to finish backing up etc. take your time as well.


My daughter recently passed her test. I wanted to come here and publicly thank the man who was her tester. I didn't get his name, but he mentioned that he drove tractor trailers for a living. This man was so helpful, thorough with his explanations, encouraging, and sincerely happy to watch her succeed at each station. It was our experience that they want you to relax, take your time, and do well. We even shared a High Five when my daughter completed station#1 flawlessly and then passed the test! It seemed like he truly enjoyed his job. Those about to test ~ watch the video, know that there are other cars in the exam area with you and it's a tight space, but practice, take your time and you'll be fine. Good luck!


Passed today and the instructor was a really helpful middle aged man. Make sure at the end of the test you stop at stop station 5 before you go on to station 6 or else you will fail.


I took the test last week and passed first try. I’m sixteen and it helped so much reading the comments that I thought I should also write some advice:
1. Make sure to use your hazards. If you don’t use them whenever you’re reversing, you will get points taken off.
2. Take your time and go slow. The slower you go, the less chance that you’ll make errors. The test is not timed, so don’t worry about that. Take however long that you need to get through each station.
3. Make sure you know where everything in your car is. Before starting the test, an instructor will ask you to turn on your left and right blinkers, turn on you low and high beams, turn on your wind shield wipers, turn on your hazards, and beep the horn. As long as you’re familiar with your car, you’ll ace this part of the test.
4. The last step is step six which has a stop sign from step five in the middle of it. The instructor will ask you to go to step six while obeying all traffic laws, so you have to stop at step five before proceeding. If you don’t, that’s an automatic fail.
5. Practice with measurements that are harder than the actual test. My brother has taken the test before so my dad knew what to expect. We practiced at a parking lot and set up cones. My dad would make these practice much tighter and narrower than the actual thing. This made the test feel like a breeze compared to what I was practicing with.
6. Go in a smaller car if possible. Using a smaller car during the test just makes maneuvering ten times easier. It’s easier to pass with a smaller car.
7. If your test isn’t booked, I would recommend booking it at the Providence DMV instead of the Cranston one. All of my friends that have failed had taken it at the Cranston one. Apparently the workers there aren’t as friendly and there’s something in the test that makes it harder.
I hope some of this info helped you out! Just remember to keep a positive attitude and take your time. You’ve got this!


Taking my road test tomorrow, wish me luck!
Edit: I passed!! I was super nervous but it was so much easier than expected like others have said. And remember, they want you to pass so they make it as easy as it can be!

Here is a full guide:
You pull into a line of cars waiting to take the test. While waiting, they tell you to put your permit paper on the dashboard, and they ask you to properly perform several car actions; turn signals, lights & highbeams, winshield wipers, and the horn. After this you wait until it is your turn and then you pull into the lot and there is a person that will explain the parameters of the test. Once it is your turn to go, you pull up to line #1 (Where they start in the video). Despite what the website says, the test looks exactly like what it does in the video (at least when I went on 1/6/22). The lines are numbered so you know which station you are on. The instructor stays outside of the car walking next to you and guiding you through the whole thing and you can have a parent or whoever in the passenger seat with you but they cannot talk, point, etc. They will instruct you to do station 1, so make sure you go very slowly because you have all the time you need. Make sure to use your right blinker and turn into the spot. Note that if you hit one of the orange cones, you are allowed to move back and retry once. Next, you do station 2, when backing up, use your hazards and go as slow as possible, using your mirrors and looking back to guide yourself back into the spot. Once you are safely behind the first line, you proceed with your left blinker to station 3. You will stop here until the person in front of you is done (they have like 2-3 people running the course at once if it is busy). There is a speed bump in between station 3 and station 4 (the parallel park). Once they tell you to go, you pull ahead to the line where you start your parallel park. Make sure to use your right turn signal or hazards to indicate you are parking in that spot. The instructor I got helped guide me into the spot, she was incredibly helpful and made sure I didn't hit the curb (even if you hit it, you are fine but if you run it over then you auto-fail). Once you are all the way into the spot (12 inches or less from the curb but they are generous about it), you pull to the left and there will be a barrier signaling where to stop for your three point turn (in front of the fence in the video). Make sure you use your left turn signal while doing the three-point turn. After you finish the three-point turn, you proceed to line 5 (the closer line). You DO NOT go to line 6 (the further line) like they do in the video. Once you stop at line 5 then you do your 50 foot straight backup, don't forget hazard lights. You back all the way to an orange flag on your right side and then your instructor will tell you to SAFELY proceed to line 6 obeying all traffic laws. Here they are basically indicating to you that you have to stop at line 5 and cannot blow through the stop sign that is there on the right that many others have warned about (this should be very obvious but many fail at this part because they don't explicitly say to stop at it). Once you stop at line 5, you proceed to line 6 and then stop and you are all done! The instructor will immediately tell you if you passed or failed and then you park your car and go get all your paperwork and stuff done inside!

Overall, it is very easy and there is no reason to be nervous as long as you practiced parallel parking and the backing up parts, which I hardly did but I was still fine. Also one more time, they want you to pass and will forgive you for minor mistakes, just take your time and make sure to be extra polite to your instructor, good luck! If you have any questions, just reply to me and I'd be happy to help!


Took my 2nd attempt today. Word of advice TAKE YOUR TIME!! It’s always better to lose points than to rush. I listened to music while waiting in line to not overthink it. The first time I got very overwhelmed. The instructor I had was very nice and told me “Not everyone in the world is a amazing driver”.


Hi all! Just wanted to let know to anybody asking, the road test in this video is exactly the same as the one in Cranston DMV. At the end of the test when you head towards station 6, remember to stop at the Stop sign in station 5. They also let maximum 2 people inside the car, the other person just have to keep quiet or they will fail you.

By the way this video and the comments section were very helpful, I passed thanks to all that since it helped me to know what to expect from the road test.


Just passed my road test today 2/17/22 it is very easy and this is coming from someone who has been scared to drive since I got my first permit back in 2015. The road test staff are very friendly and truly want you to do well. Just follow directions, pay attention and take your time.

I also want to shoutout Larue’s Driving School in North Providence, RI. My driving instructor Rose was such a big help in getting through my road test. I conquered something I was afraid of thanks to her.

Best of luck to everyone who is going to be taking their road test soon!


not hard at all the guys that work there are very lenient will let you take your time so don’t panic you got it.


Just got my full license, it's surprisingly easy! Here's how mine went.
They'll check that you're familiar with the car. Low and high beams, turn signals, horn, hazards, stuff like that. Since you need those to drive legally (how are people gonna know you're turning if you can't do your signals?!) you should probably know where they are.
Then, you just go through the test. Exact same as it said here, just take it slow if you need to, and be sure to use your turn signals when turning and hazards when backing up. Check your blind spots, too. Pretty simple, to be honest! There's only one slightly obscure part.
When you're driving up to the finish line, they'll probably tell you to drive *safely* to the last part. Be sure to stop at the stop sign in-between, just like you've done before.
If I can do it, nervousness in human form, you can too! You got this!


I took my test today and passed! I've watched this video and read through the comments here so many times and I just want to say that everyone here was so helpful and I'm so happy that I finally got through it.

I'm terrible with advice so I'll just vouch for the other comments and say to keep a calm head and you'll be fine. Practice all the parts until you've got it down, pay attention to looking both ways, using your turn signals, and especially the stop signs at the end. Unlike this video, which is probably just outdated, there is an actual sign next to line 5 and the backing starts there instead of line 6. At least it did for me anyway. When you do the three point turn going toward the stop sign, make sure you're 12 inches or less from the white line to your right. If you're not by the time you reach line 5, you'll get a point off like I did, but then they'll most likely let you correct yourself and get closer as you're doing the backing. After that, the instructor said to "drive to the end of the course SAFELY". He emphasized the word "safely" twice, which was code for "stop at the stop signs", which I appreciated.

Most importantly, just remember to breathe and go in with confidence. You got this. Good luck, everyone!


I just passed this test yesterday and a few quick tips:

1. A lot of people have mentioned this and it is spot on: you will need to stop at station 5's stop sign before moving to 6. That's the only catch in station 6.
2. When you reach the Providence site, there will be a huge road test sign and two road blockers with space between for one car. DO NOT drive in unless you're ready to roll. If you feel you need to warm up or calm your nerves, go somewhere else. If you drive into that space and there's no one else in front of you, the examiner will start checking your permit and lights.
3. In station 2 and 4, you will get three opportunities to stop, move forward however you please, and resume moving backwards again. Don't be afraid to use these opportunities because if any part of your car hits anything orange, it's an automatic fail. The examiner will make this clear to you as the test begins. If you don't feel comfortable with your current position, move forward and start again.

My examiner was very nice and his colleague also looked like a cool guy. They shouldn't give you too much pressure. Good luck!


passed it first try last week, never took drivers ed, never paid for drivers lessons(courses), all I ever had was a permit. just always learned by practicing and watching my father shit was easy(hit the nerves a bit) but easy. just go VERY SLOW and you’ll pass it. be friendly to the dmv guys there actually really good people, and you should pass.


I think the maneuverability part is what got me the most. I had to keep readjusting myself and I didn’t use the mirrors as much as I should have. It kept deceiving me into thinking that I was close to knocking over cones. What doesn’t really help is that I can’t really determine what is close to me or what is far from me. Like I think I might have an attention disorder and it’s preventing me from doing what I need to do.

Edit: It turns out that I just needed points of reference to make my turns during the maneuverability and parallel parking parts of the test. Also, don’t forget to stop at stop 5 before going to stop 6 when you finish the test. Heck, I think that’s a secret part of the test if you think about it. I passed today! Second time’s the charm! Good luck to any of those who are going to get their license!


Test was today and I passed easily, had trouble with the parallel parking the first time, but the instructor let me re-adjust myself and I did it perfectly the second time. Relax and take your time, the test isn’t hard at all.


I passed my test yesterday, thank you all the help! Been reading the comments.


I just Passed on the 1st Try Today . Thank you soo Much for this Video, Comments, and Advice. It helped me soo much. I was soo Nervous but the examiner i had was soo Nice and explained everything in depth so i can understand it . And he said move Safely to station 6 and i said ok so i remembered in the comments to Stop look then go . So thats what i did. I Really Appreciate all the advice 💯💯


Just took and its honnestly the easiest thing ever. Took me about 5 min to complete. The instructor I had was very chill and helpful. He would let me know to back up or move up a little. As long as you can reverse and parallel park well its an easy pass. Just remember the rules of the road and using your signals.
