Using the Graph of a Linear Relationship to Make Predictions | Rate of Change, Slope, Initial Value

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All Math Is Visual number talk Prompts are useful for introducing and/or reinforcing mathematics concepts and skills to build fluency and flexibility with numbers and conceptualizing mathematics. While we suggest using these prompts at the beginning of a math lesson, they could be useful at any point during a math block as well as at home to strengthen (and excite) your child mathematically.

Students will engage in a math talk using linear patterns and linear relationships. The math talk serves to develop a deeper understanding of the following big ideas:

Patterns can be extended because they are repetitive by nature.
Pattern rules are generalizations about a pattern, and they can be described in words.
One common use of linear patterns is predicting future events.
A pattern can be extended to make a prediction.
For far predictions, calculations are required for efficiency.
In a growing pattern, the values increase.
In a linear pattern, the values increase at the same rate.
The rate can be determined by finding the difference between the value of two terms.
Graphical representations of linear growing patterns appear as straight lines.
The initial value in a linear pattern is the constant.
When the initial value is not zero, the relationship between the two variables is not proportional.

Notice the "PAUSE" prompts throughout which provide appropriate points to stop the video and give students time to think through their approaches using mathematical models as a means to see their strategies through.

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