“And that is how I spent my 15 minutes”. Yeah so it kinda sucks to not get to play the game after waiting in Queue, Champ select and spending 15 minutes on a game doesn’t it ?
Drututt: "Well, well, well, if it isnt the consequences of my own actions"
And uh. That’s why you can’t surrender football games
For ppl who doesn't know, gc means "get candy"
Damn, that dehydrated Akshan really made me laugh more than I though i would
In my country, the reverse is happening. Someone FF and people will click no and int just enough to keep the game going in a slow lose coz they want to trap the FFers in the game. 😂
Drututt on Tuesday: Superglues a quarter to the pavement
Drututt on Thursdays: Hey a Quarter!
I like to think that his teamates knew abot the joke and did that just to fuck with him XD
Druttut plays ranged / adc champions on top. He deserves 4:1 every game.
That’s why it’s better to play on low elo people there sucks at every aspect of the game but don’t surrender. Sometimes i played like 45 min. With no turrets still win. That game was so good after we win
The only change that riot has made that has ever made me genuinely angry is the 4-man FF at 15 change. I cannot think of a worse change they have done
For most people it’s more about the emotions and not the true game state.
Lose fight in a winnable game can make the ff go trough even if it’s only one player that is tilted
Drututt personality is one of the worst ones he always says something to get applause and then never sticks to it cause he cares about winning so much he HATES losing he is like that one kid from school when u asked him if he studied for a test he says no but then gets best grade anyway cause in secret he did.
I think the "FF15 spam" thing was a joke, but whatever
Still crazy to me how we normalize kids not getting taught how to loose. Were sending millions of little whiners out in the world hoping for the best but knowing how to loose is the key to a stable personality and mental health and growth. These kids cant form real relationships, cant argue in a way that provides value to both and the worst: ff15 and cry when dying once
thats what he gets for being an inflated elo adc top player
bro is so salty/childish he had to use the clip from 1 month ago 😂
because they ff 1 game it doesnt means he wants to get hostaged every single other game
I completely agree with azzap. I think ff is only viable if enemy team is up like 20k gold
Never seen anyone use "gc" in my life. Using my league experience, I'm guessing it means "get cancr"