The State Of The Entry Level Software Job Market In 2024

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00:00 - Intro
00:58 - What Are People Saying Online About the Job Market?
05:58 - State of the Job Market: End of 2023
09:22 - 2024 Job Market Predictions (with data)
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I feel like I was very fortunate to break in when I did. I entered the industry back in 2007, long time ago. Back then I had dozens of SWE interviews with only one internship of experience. Everything you needed for the job was done in college, nowadays they want you to have 5 years experience, projects you started independently, a compendium. It really sucks for you new guys, the market is really over-saturated at the moment, hopefully some of you can break in soon, it's a great career.


I'm quitting tech for a normal job. This is a fucking circus. I wish you all the best my friends.


Thank you KC, I was laid off in January 2023 with around 5 years experience and I did not get an internal job after going up for it. It took me 3 months to find a job, I thought there was something wrong with me but I was job searching in one of the worst job markets in a while and was internalizing it. Thank you for laying out the data. I have been scared of being homeless because of limited family. I found my dream job though so wishing everyone a easier time and their dream job.


I broke into swe in 2019. It was much easier to get a job without experience back then than getting a job with 5 years experience now. Companies are just not hiring it definitely a contractionary period. Its not impossible but it will take a quite a bit of effort.


Ive been in IT for 12 years, and 7 years as a Sr engineer in Database and software. Ive worked for some of the largest companies in the media space. I got laid off last April and the only job offer ive had is a maintenance contact at 12 dollars an hour and only a few hours of work a month. Ive submitted thousands of applications. I hope things do improve but i just don't see it.


Seeing the data really helps keep things on balance and not panic


Boy thank u for this sharing this market trend. I have 3 yre of project management experience and I have been struggling a lot. This video gave me a renewed optimism


This was a really interesting video, Im a UK based full stack dev (with just under 2 years experience) and I was let go from my last dev job at the end of October this year, sitting on around 380 applications now. I've had two 2nd stage interview and 4 1st stage interviews, but have yet to get anymore in the last 2 weeks (as to be expected with the Xmas break). I feel like europe mimics the US in terms of job market, so hopefully it will bounce back. I graduated in december of 2022 and had my first job 6 months before that, but it was with a startup and it bled money, as a result i was let go, my second position was filled due to a need of a Dev asap, and i got hired within a month of leaving my last job, but now this have gotten MUCH slower.


Dude I have to keep it real that one minute of information in the beginning was so well structured, Isa a great editing technique.


I am glad I subbed to you KC. This shines a light on the market so well.


2000 and 2008 recessions was across the board where in this downturn mostly white collar tech jobs are feeling the pain.
When things are good companies have every reason to hire you and if things are bad they have every reason to not hire you.


Your video has given me a lot of hope. I appreciate the sources, data, and multiple perspectives that you've provided. You're doing great work with your channel. Thank you!


Companies always need to hire heavily in Jan/Feb because they are securing contracts with partners and so forth before Christmas in the previous year. The project start dates are always early in the next year, its cyclical and always happens like this. How much, how frequent, and why, harder to answer.


I'm graduating with a degree in software engineering this semester, I really apreciate the positivity in this video it's really overwhelming to hear all the negativity around the market right now but this video was a breath of fresh air.


Very valuable breakdown! Thanks for the post ~ quite nevrous myself!


Really informational video, hoping to see 2024 look better for us incoming new grads!!


To compare and make predictions, you also need data from your region. The US demographic pyramid is very stable, however, the same doesn't need to work for the state of Texas or the state of Montana. In many countries and regions, the population gets older. It means the whole industries have been dramatically changing.


I think this is the best material commenting on 2024 job market in IT that I saw, thank you


This video made me so much more optimistic about the future. Thank you KC!


Again really nice video, I like video like this so much. To give a bit of feedback, in mine they gave ramped up a lot the recruitment for 2024. In one department of software dev, it's almost +100% new positions announced via an internal email past week. It corresponds to 30 engineers, I am in a niche software tech, it's a lot for us, we aren't even sure we could fill those position by 2024 because they are so few graduates with this specific knowledge.
