About the Digimon MMO...

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Josh talks about the Digimon Masters Online, which he had just premiered on his youtube channel. Here are Josh's after thoughts about the Digimon MMORPG.

"Worst MMO Ever? - Digimon Masters Online"

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Did you know, the director of digimon survived and the guy who ported Cyber Sleuth to pc, said in an interview "I would like to make the first digimon mmorpg someday, not now but in the future". This was said while digimon masters was still around.

This means even the Digimon company themselves doesn't know about digimon masters and if they did, doesn't even consider it official.

Digimon masters isn't good. I've played it for 4 years when I was bored (after they shut down digimon rpg) and it's terrible. The game is so broken, people were able to kill the final bosses BEFORE THEY SPAWNED; which actually broke the game!


bold of you to assume that digimon fans actually like DMO.


well, every Digimon fan who has played DMO knows just how bad it actually is, Josh's video barely showed how bad the monetization is, and the fact that gameplay in endgame is just as bad as in early game.


The difference between the reaction to this one and the other ones is so noticeable. Literally no one defended the game. All the Digimon fans in chat started taking a collective dump on it. That speaks volumes on how terrible Digimon Masters Online is.


Even Digimon fans understand this is absolute shit. It's that bad.


The funniest part is that Josh just said the truth about Digimon games in general, the franchise has so much potential and yet the games never quite reach the peaks it deserves, for over 20 years the games never found a formula and every game tries something different, with the exception of the World and Story franchises, and even those have their own problems.


It's like digimon was designed to be the perfect AR RPG mobile juggernaut but it just never happened. Having an MMO with phone game integration like that would fit it so well. Also capitalize on the old Tamagotchi origins of the series


what they need to do to make a sucessfull mmo is:
step 1: grab any digimon world game
step 2: make it multiplayer
step 3: profit


The only Digimon games I have experience with are both of the Cyber Sleuth games, and I really enjoyed them. The way you could evolve and devolve the Digimon, plus train them and equip them... having that system in an MMO would be great. Whether you like to min-max, collect, accessorize, and/or create dream teams, it could all be there--at long as they didn't cap how many Digimon each player could own.


Man... A MMO of digital monsters that interact with the real world seems unique. You could even bring some AR ideas to make you play even more. But damn, even as a fan I admit this franchise was managed poorly to epic levels.
And pokemon wants to catch up in the same way, soon It will


I'd even go so far as to argue that Digimon has more potential than franchises of its ilk like Pokemon to become an amazing MMO, because in the Digimon franchise, the Digimon have agency over the world. Some Digimon aren't just all powerful forces of nature, they have ambitions and plans. Some Digimon make for amazing antagonists that could rival some of the all time greats like Illidan, Arthas, Zenos, and Valkorion.


The unofficial Poke MMO does a better job at it with Pokemon. To be fair, its basically just several of the NDS games with extensive Online functionalities, but still, the thing runs smooth, combat is good because its literally taken over from the games, and beeing capable of trading with other players when the original games online services have been shut down is pretty neat


The thing that seems to be keeping players around is that Digimon that don’t get much use keep getting added to the game.
And just the general appeal an MMO tends to bring
The thing that is lacking in these multiplayer Digimon games, be it MMO or mobile, is the diverse branching evolutions they can have. In most other media you can take an Agumon and make it into a variety of things, while in these it’s several versions of said Agumon with a linear line each, with maybe a way to buy a divergence or mode change of a form.


Me who played at it's earlier years in secondary during 2011-2014, the game is absolutely trash.
You want to hear the funniest part about the game? i recall correctly, around 2018-2019, some moderators if not everyone, used the game to cash laundry, literally they bought things with who knows money came from, from the cash shop, and resell it, not inside the game, but on FORUMS, as "deals", weird "cheap deals" made by the trusted "moderators"


MMO sucks the cyber sleuth games are awsome and play like a JRPG mmo.


I played the digimon mmo for a few hours when I was a kid and I thought it was really charming to stay in the world. Not the combat, that was really basic but I loved the atmosphere


I'm still waiting for a true Digimon game. As far as I know, we've never REALLY gotten an anime-style Digimon experience in a video game. It's always either a Pokemon clone or a plot that lets you have multiple digimon. I want to make a fully custom character, pick my rookie digimon partner from the whole selection, and be a digi-destined alongside a group of companions traversing the digital world.


Digimon Masters I never considered to be a real attempt to make an MMO much less a Digimon game.

It's a joke. I played it. And it did not keep me around.


Last time I bragged about how I wasted 1K hours in this awful game and quitted after the paywall got the best of me, aswell as the game was filled with bots and RMT, veteran fans were trying to fight me with arguments like "you don't get fond with guilds so you will never understand!" or even stuff like "RMT should be legal and doesn't harm the economy, you noob hahahah" (note that most who included written laughs on their text were mostly 8 to 12 year old third world RMTers).


The world already exists, just build it and populate it with Digimon. The story is already there too. I doubt anyone would complain about playing through all the big events from the anime series.

The players are the trainers, obviously. You get a few Digimon from intro quests, then implement a friendship system where you can befriend NPC Digimon so they join your team. Gaining XP to level and unlock new forms at certain thresholds is already established. Though for an RPG, add in specific story driven quest lines to actually unlock said new form.

For the combat, I think the recent system from the Impact games would work wonders. Digimon don't have a ton of different skills, so you can have a team of 3 or 4, you can swap them out and use their few moves in real time while charging their signature attack to unleash it. It's like you're telling them what to do. They even have different elements so it fits the formula perfectly! Leveling up as a player could mean different party-wide bonuses for your team etc.

The only issue is that whoever designs it this way will likely turn the game into a gacha... I'd definitely expect certain Digimon or alternate Digivolutions to be hidden behind a paywall anyway. What we'd really need is for a company to not be greedy about the game.
