Instead of NETFLIX movies, watch this to learn European Portuguese

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Exposing yourself to real Portuguese from Portugal by using Netflix series and movies is good, but, let’s face it, the options are still limited. There’s a better way to expose yourself to native content from Portugal and passively learn European Portuguese online. Today I’m sharing what to watch, when to start, what you gain from it and what to do if you want to take it a step further.

FREE “Mini-Tuga”: Six resources in different media to help expose you to native content in European Portuguese.

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What Portuguese native content are you watching to improve your listening comprehension?


Wow! I'm from Brazil and I felt a little impressed when I listened you saying you like Brazilian soap operas. Nowadays we don't have good soap operas like anciently. Sorry my English mistakes. I'm learning English. Your English is good! Bye!


Just to say I am new to your content and really impressed. Thank you and happy to go deeper into the rabbit hole with your thinking outside of the box. 🙂


Aah i cant do novellas they kill my grey cells. Is there anything else to recommend


Bom dia--I got a "404 error!" when attempting to sign up to download the Mini-Tuga but a few minutes later, it showed up in my inbox. I'm skeptical that novelas will hold my interest but you are SO RIGHT about how irritating high-pitched voices in children's cartoons can be. Obrigada!


I'm at the beginning and just am asking myself where I can find good comprehensible input for Portuguese, something for beginners like for example "Extra..." for Spanish beginners. I'm sceptical about learning about the culture from tv, because on German tv 90% of the people that are shown are richer than 90% of real people. (And in German tv classes don't exist!) It's like Instagram glamour, which also doesn't give a realistic impression of the normal life in a country.
But I'm convinced that listening a lot is really important!


Was I the only one thinking of "Fernando Mendes" when Catarina said "espetáculo" at the beginning? 😅


Eu aprendi Português com as novelas Brasileiras. Naquele tempo eram muito divertidas. Mas não só com as novelas, mas com a Roda da Sorte, Casino royale e a ler muita legenda! Aprendi muito depressa. Por alem de ouvir imenso eu estudava sozinha também. (Tinha um livro de gramática e estudava todos os dias)
As novelas também têm o aspeto visual que também ajuda.


Hi. I very much like your content. I grew up learning & speaking English. However I also grew up listening to my dad speaking in Portuguese to his friends but Portuguese was not the lingua de casa unfortunately. I also briefly lived in Portugal (about 20 years ago). I'm so ashamed to say I did not attempt to learn the language. So in short, my Portuguese vocabulary is quite good, pronunciation/reading also is quite good but 1) I just don't know the grammar, so cannot string a sentence although I know the words (for eg: I want to go to Porto tomorrow - Eu va Porto amanha, which is what I would manage to say, no grammar in that sentence at all). However when I visit Portugal I still can get by as I know the basic phrases but the problem is 2) when they start making conversations - I cannot understand. Now, I'm seriously thinking of getting the hang of the language as I will be spending more time in Portugal during my frequent visits. So as you rightly said, practice listening is the way forward; that will take care of my 2) problem. My 1) problem - grammar, can you offer some help. Muito obrigado


Thanks for that novellas list. I started out at Disney watching childrensmovies. Best thing is that I can put subtitles there in my native language, Dutch. My Englich is pritty good but still a lot get's lost in translation.


Vejo "Pôr do sol“ no fim de semana. Não compreendo muito, por isso agora, estou a ver com as legendas em inglês.


How can I see English subtitles as I watch Os Nossos Dias?


Eu sou do Mexico. Pra mim, Euronews e RTP. As novelas ? Não gosto delas😢