18th August 2022 | Daily Brief | Srijan India One

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A quick daily brief on The Hindu and The Indian Express Newspaper along with a motivational quote, answer writing, mapping practice, some GK questions and vocabulary words.

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Q.1- (B) Karnataka plateau
Q.2- (A) Maharashtra
Q.3- (D) Pea
Q.4- (B) Use of Gypsum in the field
Q.5- (D) they are rich in lime

Q.1- (A) Duty to vote
Q.2- (B) 342 digit
Thank you so much sir 🙏🙏



Note on godavari river
The Godavari river is the largest river system of Peninsular India. The Godavari basin extends over States of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha in addition to smaller parts in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Puducherry (Yanam) having a total area of approximately 3 lakh Sq.km

The Godavari river system has been divided into twelve sub-basins by Krishna – Godavari Commission.

Rainfall pattern
The Godavari basin receives its maximum rainfall in the Southwest monsoon.
All parts of the basin receive the maximum rainfall in the period from June to September.
January and February are almost entirely dry in the Godavari basin, the rainfall during these two months being less than 15 mm.
The basin receives 84% of the annual rainfall on an average during Southwest monsoon.

Religious Importance
Apart from Ganga and Yamuna, Godavari also holds the special religious importance in India.
Godavari is considered as one of the sacred rivers in India.
The major bathing festival called as Pushkaram (Kumbh Mela) is celebrated on the banks of Godavari River.

The two bathing ghats, Ramkund and Kushavarta holy reservoirs situated in the Godavari river holds high significance as thousands of sadhus, holy men

Courses of Godavari river
The river flows across the Deccan Plateau from the Western to the Eastern Ghats. The river flows in southeast direction across south-central India states. After flowing for about 1, 465 km., in a generally southeast direction, it falls into the Bay of Bengal. At Rajahmundry, 80 km from the coast, the river splits into two streams, thus forming a very fertile delta.


FIFA - international federation of football association
Under 17 2022 women's football game held in. INDIA


The Arctic region covers parts of eight countries: Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and the United States.


Q.1.Right to participate in politics


Good evening Pranam sir 🙏
Thanku so much sir


Good evening sir
16:16 fifa full form is international federation of Association football



AQI measured by
Eight pollutants namely particulate matter (PM) 10, PM2. 5, Ozone (O3), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb) and ammonia (NH3) act as major parameters in deriving the AQI of an area.


1.karnatka plateau
4.use of gypsum in the field
5.they are rice in lime


Snow and ice have the highest albedos of any parts of Earth's surface: Some parts of Antarctica reflect up to 90% of incoming solar radiation.


11:33 it is pronounced as Kachar, Sir.


⚫️ 1:25
◾️Q1 Not under high seismic zone
B) Karnataka Plateau
◾️Q2 Regur soil
A) Maharashtra
◾️Q3 Crop enriches nitrogen content in soil
D) Pea
◾️Q4 Solution for Soil salinity and alkalinity
B) use of Gypsum
◾️Q5 Laterite soil is not
D) rich in lime

⚫️ 2:45 CSAT
◾️Q1 Duty to vote
◾️Q2 342

⚫️ 8:19 Chikankari
◾️Traditional embroidery style from Lucknow
◾️the word means embroidery (thread or wire)

⚫️ 9:55 Godavari
◾️Largest river system of Peninsular India.
◾️The Godavari basin extends over States of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha in addition to smaller parts in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Puducherry (Yanam) having a total area of approximately 3 lakh Sq.km.
◾️Origin – from Bramhagiri mountains, Sahyadris at Trimbakeshwar (Nashik district of Maharashtra)
◾️The Godavari River drains about 10% of India’s total geographical area. Drain into Bay of Bengal.
◾️Other Names: Vriddh (Old) Ganga or the Dakshin (South) Ganga
◾️ Important tributaries : Pravara, Indravati, Wainganga, Wardha, Pench, Kanhan, Penganga, Manjira(only important right-bank tributary), Bindusara and sabari
◾️Important projects completed duing the plan period are Srirama Sagar, Godavari barrage, Upper Penganga, Jaikwadi, Upper Wainganga, Upper Indravati, Upper Wardha, Prnahita-Chevala and Polavaram.

⚫️ 16:10 FIFA
Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)

⚫️ 26:16 Rajmannar Commission, 1969
◾️The setting of an Inter-State council immediately.
◾️Finance commission to be made a permanent body.
◾️Deletion of Articles 356, 357, and 365 which dealt with the President's rule. ◾️Abolition of All-India Services (lAS, IPS, and IFS)

⚫️ 27:39 Arctic Region
Seas : Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, East Siberian Sea, Laptev Sea, Kara Sea, Barents sea, Norwegian Sea, Beaufort Sea, Greenland Sea
◾️US, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia

⚫️ 28:53 Albido : Greater for ice

⚫️ 32:46 Air Quality Index
PM10, PM2. 5, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, NH3, Pb, Ni, As, Benzo(a)pyrene, and Benzene

⚫️ 34:43 Galloping inflation (also jumping inflation) is one that develops at a rapid pace (dual or triple-digit annual rates),


Write a short note on Godavari river.

The Godavari is the largest Peninsular river system. It is also called the Dakshin Ganga. Source: Godavari river rises from Trimbakeshwar near Nasik in Maharashtra and flows for a length of about 1465 km before outfalling into the Bay of Bengal.

Drainage Basin: The Godavari basin extends over states of Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha in addition to smaller parts in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Union territory of Puducherry.

Tributaries: Pravara, Purna, Manjra, Penganga, Wardha, Wainganga, Pranhita (combined flow of Wainganga, Penganga, Wardha), Indravati, Maner and the Sabri.

Cultural Significance: Kumbh Mela also takes place on the banks of the Godavari river in Nashik.
Other locations for Kumbh are the Shipra river in Ujjain, the Ganges in Haridwar, and the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati river in Prayag.
Godavari River Dispute: Godavari river water sharing is bone of contention among Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and Karnataka.

Some important project on Godavari.
Polavaram Irrigation Project.
Sadarmatt Anicut across river Godavari is one among the two irrigation projects in the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) Register of Heritage Irrigation Structures.
Inchampalli: The Inchampalli project is proposed on the Godavari River about 12 km downstream of the confluence of Indravati with the Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh.
It is a joint project among the States of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
Sriram Sagar Project (SRSP): The Sriram Sagar Project is a multipurpose project, located across the Godavari River near Pochampad of Nizamabad District in Telangana.

Polavaram Irrigation Project:
Polavaram Project is located in Andhra Pradesh on the river Godavari, near Polavaram village.
It is a multi-purpose irrigation project as the project once completed will provide Irrigation benefits and will generate HydroElectric Power.
In addition, this project will also supply drinking water.
It will facilitate an inter-basin transfer to the Krishna river basin through its Right canal.
It will also provide indirect benefits such as development of Pisciculture (breeding and rearing of fish), tourism and urbanisation.
The Project has been accorded national project status by the union government in 2014 (under Section-90 of Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014).

Thank you so much sir


The Arctic Ocean and its marginal seas—the Chukchi, East Siberian, Laptev, Kara, Barents, White, Greenland, and Beaufort and, according to some oceanographers, also the Bering and Norwegian—are the least-known basins and bodies of water in the world ocean as a result of their remoteness, hostile weather, and perennial


1 Godavari is the largest peninsular river, also known as dakshin ganga.
2. Source = godavari river rises from trimbakeshwar near nasik in Maharashtra .
Length = 1465km
Godavari river discharge her water in bay of Bengal.
3. Drainage basin = Maharashtra, telangana, Andra Pradesh, chhattisgarh, Odisha and small parts in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Puducherry ( UT)
4. Tributaries = pravara, purna, manjra, penganga, wardha, wainganga, pranhita, indravati, maner and sakri .
5. Cultural significance = kumb mela in nasik on the banks of godavari.
6. Godavari river disputes among Madhya Pradesh, Andra Pradesh, chhattisgarh, Odisha and Karnataka .
7. Important projects on godavari river = polavaram irrigation project
Sriram sagar project
Inchampalli and
Sadarmatt anicut .

Surrounding counties and seas of arctic ocean
Seas = chukchi sea
Bering sea
Kara sea
Barenths sea
Greenland sea
Norwegian sea
Beaufort sea
Lincolan sea
White sea
East siberian sea
Laptev sea

Countries = Canada, US, Greenland, Finland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Iceland .


Q) short not on Godavari river
= it`s a peninsular river
= rises from Trimbakeshwar near Nasik in Maharashtra & outflow in Bay of Bengal
= it`s largest river of south also called DAKSHIN GANGA
= flow for a length of about 1465 km
= Drainage basin ---- Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Chhattisgarh and Odisha and cover small part of MP, Karnataka & puducherry
= Tributaries -- Manjra, Penganga, Wainganga, Pranhita, Indravati, Maner, Sabri, Pravara, Purna
= projects on Godavari river = polavaram irrigational project
Sadarmatt Anicut ( irrigational project )
Inchampalli ( confluence of Indravati and Godavari in Andhra pradesh )
Sri Ram Sagar Project ( multi purpose project )
= religious importance -- special religious importance in india as Ganga
major bathing festival called Pushkaram celebrated on this river also called KUMBH MELA

Q) name of seas and countries surrounding Arctic ocean
1. Beaufort sea
2. Chukchi sea
3. Greenland sea
3. Hudson sea
4. Iceland sea
5. Kara sea
6. Lincoln sea
7. Nordic sea
8. Open polar sea
9. Pechora sea
10. Wandel sea
11. White sea

1. Canada
2. Greenland
3. Iceland
4. Norway
5. Sweden
6. Finland
7. Russia
8. United states


Sir apka ye trika bhut acha h jisme questions v ho Jate h kuch or current v
