Boring Bass Lines Fixed (With 1 Simple Walkup Trick)

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Inject life into your boring beginner bass lines with these simple (but legit) walkup patterns - no theory required.

It actually doesn’t take in-depth theory knowledge to play interesting bass lines.

In this video I’ll show you some easy bass patterns you can use to avoid ploddy, run of the mill bass playing.

We’ll start with a classic 2-note walkup pattern, modeled for us by Kim Deal of The Pixies on “Hey”. I’ll break down how this pattern works, and later you’ll practice sticking it on your own bass lines.

Then we flip the pattern on its head and look at some walk *downs*, with the help of John McVie’s bass line on Fleetwood Mac’s “Gold Dust Woman.”

We can put these together in the same bass line too - I’ll show you how Verdine White did it in “Can’t Hide Love” by Earth Wind & Fire. (dance moves not included)

Now you’ve got the basics - it’s time to apply these directly to a boring bass line. We’ll try out a few of the many versions of a walkup/walkdown flavored bass line, and I’ll give you a troubleshooting hack to make these patterns even more foolproof.

#Walkups #NoMoreBoringBasslines

What do you think - should French Josh make a reappearance? Tell me ‘oui’ or ‘NON’ below. 😎🎸🇫🇷

Timestamps for this lesson:
0:00 - L’intro
1:02 - Walkup Basics
2:29 - How Kim Deal Uses Walkups
3:52 - Playalong: “Hey” by The Pixies
4:48 - How to Walk Down
5:05 - How John McVie Uses Walkdowns
6:23 - Playalong: “Gold Dust Woman” by Fleetwood Mac
7:03 - How Verdine White Walks Both Ways
7:34 - Playalong: “Can’t Hide Love” by Earth Wind & Fire
8:01 - Unboring Your Bass Lines Ex. 1
10:25 - Unboring Your Bass Lines Ex. 2


Another way to give a bassline more umph is to do a slide to nowhere. Just start an octave or so above your target note and slide down while starting slow and getting faster and lessening your grip on the string so it becomes a dead note. Then play your target note immediately after. This is good to use just before a big power moment in the song and Ghost do this a lot. Something you can do in a more riffy bassline to add interest to it is to slide up or down a half step to a note from a scale from a note that is not in the scale so that the note that doesn't fit in can only be heard for a really short amount of time. This can be heard in the Peter Gunn theme in Blues Brothers where the bassline seems to double the guitar riff.


Best online bass teacher, hands down. There are many good ones out there, but no one does a better job making the concepts simple to understand - even for the musically challenged - and having a laugh in the process.


This is very well structured. I know my music theory pretty inside and out and you did an excellent job of explaining how to switch a chromatic walk up to a diatonic one without having to make it more complex.

The best thing someone ever told me is that every “wrong” note is never more than a half step away from a right one. (Diatonically speaking)


"hey" is the reason I got a bass!


From a guitarist turned bass player, I appreciate your knowledge sharing and lesson style. P.S. I bought a used Fender 1966 P-bass for $375.00 in 1982 even before I thought I would try to learn bass, ,, got lucky for sure. Thanks again, keep your lessons coming. Bassman


emo josh cant hurt you, he isnt real
emo josh:


A French nihilist Beginner to Badass course part 2 would be great!


You really have a gift for communication. I’m doing a lot of these transition things right now and I like to mix it up with dead notes. Feels like a cool way to compensate for lack of skill with creativity.


I'm a french beginner bass player loving Dr.Who. First, thanks for all your videos that makes learning bass by myself doable and helps me learn music theory basics. Second, I very liked this intro ! 😁

I buyed a cheap second hand damaged practice bass like 10 years ago and started reading tabs and playing but without any other material (no basics or how to etc.) I enjoyed it even if it was awful. I stopped playing for a while, and now I replaced my instrument with a correct bass (+correctly setup) and start learning bass again with your videos. It is game changer and i want to thank you again and thank anyone who support you ❤


I am pleased to see your acting skils improving as you help us to improve our bass skills. A true 'growing together' feeling.

Merci, monsieur Joshè


I used to play bass in a church band a while back and, though everyone was impressed by how good I was as a beginner who had only played a couple months, as a musician of at least a decade I felt like my playing was so empty. This is video is very helpful in just adding a little spice the monotony of my bass playing.


I was 17 when Ramones changed my life. I´m 37 now, and this cool dude changed my bass lines. THANK YOU


you hacked my unpleasant chromaticism to bits! ;) another fun trick if the walks aren't working is just to speed it up pantera-level tempos. it's amazing how atonal compositions just become rhythmically pleasing to your ears when they wouldn't otherwise "work" as music.

you have the best <learning bass> channel on youtube. love it!


Dude, I think I've said it before, but I've been playing a long time, and I've seen quite a few bass tutors around.
You nail it.
I really enjoy your stuff.


Since I've picked up a bass to be in my friend's band this Spring, this channel has helped so me so much and I'm so thankful for it


Noo man, Boring French Josh looks like Joe Dart with the sweater and the glasses 🤣🤣🤣But Joe Dart is not Boring, he is a Funk Bass Beast


Honestly these YouTube vids mixed with the B2B course are beyond incredible, a perfect balance of solid teaching and entertainment!


I learn alot from all bass players and at 59 years of age your never to old to learn new or old things.thank you, sir.PLAY ON MY .YOU SAID YOUR NEVER OLD TO PLAY BASS.


Thanks for this Josh! Heard a great quote I would like to share. "They didn't come to hear you play guitar (bass); they came to enjoy the music". A good band plays as "one"
