EXTREME Try Not To Laugh 🥵 #13

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#tiktok #trynottolaugh #memes

No good deed goes unpunished as this nice lady just wanted to do something nice for a stranger.

Please, no one ever give Richard Hammond a golf club. They don’t make them small enough for adults his size.

The loving sweetness and joy a pet gives you when you return home after a long day is priceless.

Embarrassing yourself in front of a crowd is no one’s idea of a good time.

Although the gifted among have the ability to turn a potentially humiliating experience into pure gold.

Have you ever signed up to do something, got way past the point of no return, and then thought, shut the front door…There’s no way I’m doing that?

We now bring you a special bonding moment between Father and Son that will surely not leave a lasting scar that turns into resentment.

If the mouse catches the cheese, and the cat catches the mouse…What
catches the cat?

Try this next time you’re out to eat with your friends. Only do what this guy does and pull this on your friend most likely to completely lose it in the most hilarious way possible. Then film it.

This guy will swear that the Earth itself tipped slightly to the left rather than admitting he’s a complete klutzy fool.

You can tell your tall tales out of school to anyone you want, but you’ll never be able to slide that fiction past your parents. They know you and your BS all too well.

Let’s all watch in amazement when a $3 umbrella does what a $3 umbrella does in a windstorm.

Let’s all wish this couple well on this most special day…Their wedding day…And then let’s all hang our heads in despair for the future this guy will have to endure for the rest of his life.

This may be the most confusing sign ever found in the wild, but trust me, keep watching, and it will make complete sense.

When the cops show up in force, just play it cool like our friend here, and everything will be just fine.

When people do something stupid, and they’re the only ones with the footage, I often wonder why they post the embarrassing video. It's a mystery we might never solve. I’m just glad they do.

If you can name the breed of dog in this next clip, you certainly qualify as an eagle-eyed genius.

German Shepherds are known as one of the smartest dog breeds in the world. Although there are exceptions.

Relaxing as the waves wash over your toes is a great way to unwind after a long day of work.

Camels play an important role in Arabian society as transport, source of food and leather, and as we can see in this clip, as lifelong companions.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned today, it’s that walking in heels is not as easy as it looks. Be careful out there ladies.

Whoever brought this hippie out of his cave, it’s time to put him back before he really hurts himself out here in the modern world.

Ladies, as careful as you need to be to make sure no one puts anything in your drink at the club, be equally vigilant so no one takes anything out of your drink as well.

I went to this party last night and had a bit too much to drink, but there was this guy there that wouldn’t get out of my way and was a total jerk about it. This jerk even has the audacity to wear the same outfit as me.
Can you believe it?

There’s no way you can dislike this guy, but if he could put as much effort and creativity into actually doing the work as he did to avoid it, he would do quite well for himself.

Never ever run from the cops. Unless they’re not cops and you’re much faster.

Some musicians live the music. They have it pumping through their veins, and can’t escape it no matter the time or place. Like our buddy Charlie here.

Meet Fred…Fred was the inspiration for the bobble head doll. See for yourself.

This is every traveler’s dream…To share a plane with a bunch of rowdy soccer hooligans. It makes every aspect of the experience an adventure.

That about wraps it up for today folks. I hope you managed a chuckle or two or perhaps even a full fledged guffaw. At any rate, even if you were just slightly amused, we’d appreciate it if you’d hit the like button and subscribe to our channel. We’ll be back lickedy split with another great presentation. See you next time.
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the video would be much better if you remove the commentary and just let the videos play. Commentaries ruin videos.


That mosquito: hold on, I swear this never happens.. 😂


what on earth is happening at 4:02?? what is that device that freaks the guy out so bad? That freaks me out!!!


The woman nearly falling over and making the best of it--that's called 'poise'! 😅


Stopped afte3:45 cause I almost fell asleep in midday.


I can't stop laughing haha how can you put together such a good video


Что смешного, когда человек убегает от животного? Что смешного, когда один человек делает больно второму человеку? Я не вижу радости в падениях, боли и нападениях.


Viral- like it~very fantastic sharing, goodbye! 🤓


''EXTREME'' Try Not To Laugh (??) 🤔🤔🤔 Idiocy will never be funny.


*great video, there are a lot of moments that make me laugh*


I didnt even make it past the 1st magic trick lol that scream gets me every time


*I love your videos they are entertaining*


10:43 - that girl probably got "disappeared" afterwards


I loved the mistake 'shake and undo' one LOL


Obviously not gonna laugh if you have commentary.


10:16 was hilarious and spot on! 🤣 his reaction was great also as he knew 😁


For anyone that wants to know the dog it's a spaniel puppy


Not a fan of videos that repeat. That's what the "shorts" are for.


Speeding this video up makes it funnier


The cookie photographer was straight gangsta. Best part was the dude who witnessed his theft. 😂
