I am financially 💫irresponsible💫 Also I saved for the bish for like a YEAR. #mommacusses

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That’s like 500$ of equipment on a dumpster table. I love the chaos 😂


You are allowed to save up to buy things that bring YOU joy just because others may not understand screw them.


Oh YES! Priorities indeed!

Around 2 years ago I splurged my birthday and Christmas money of 2 full years on a fancy coffee machine. It grinds beans and makes the perfect latte without finicky cleaning of little hoses and doo-dads. To de-scale all you need to do is add de-scaler, then press a few buttons. To clean the inside you take out a big part and stick it under the tap, then let it dry.

People see it and go “You’ve got serious money!” Nope. It was on mega-sale. It combined two Christmasses and two birthdays from three separate people. I don’t have my nails done, rarely have my hair done, most of my clothes are hand-me-downs or thrifted, I can’t remember the last time I bought shoes outside of a sale, my mobile is five years old, etc.

But every morning I have my fancy latte. With coffee beans I bought on sale and milk that’s brandless. It’s my quiet “Oh crap, the day is starting” mental health moment before the Muppet Show Madness of the day begins.

Enjoy your SMEG appliances, and may they last for years.


I feel this so much! Most of my house is thrifted, gifted or dumpstered... but did I save and buy an espresso machine that now lives in glory on the counter for multiple daily uses...fuck yeah I did! Bless you, you're the best!! 💜✨️


I feel this. I have about a thousand dollars worth of discounted premium fabrics including linen and silk in my sewing stash, but most of my furniture is cheap goodwill refurb or Walmart quality lol


As long as bills are paid, people you are responsible for are fed & clothed & you have some saving to cover your A$$ for a month or so. (+ some other responsibilities) buy the things that make you happy.


Same here...I had to have a $600 KitchenAid mixer (combined birthday/Christmas gift to myself), several hundred dollars of pots and pans (purchased in small sets over the coarse of a year) and special baking pans all because I was raised by women who show their love for other by cooking for them and I actually find this relaxing and fulfilling. I find pulling together ingredients, mixing, kneading, stuffing, braiding, baking and wrapping for gifting makes me smile inside and find an internal peace. And seeing someone eat something I made and smiling while expressing their enjoyment of it makes me happy to have given them a homemade yummy they love.


But by making the fancy coffee in the fancy coffee pot you don't have to buy fancy coffee at $6+ at a fancy coffee shop. 😊


Thank you for making me feel better about buying a pillow shaped like a pumpkin, for no other reason than it's a pumpkin pillow.


This is legitimately how I am. I'm super frugal for the stuff I dint care about, but if I care about it I have a top of the line whatever it is. I can only afford that because I don't spend that way on everything. 🤷‍♀️balance.


I couldn't tell you the last time I bought myself new clothes, bras, or undies, but my yarn stash is coming on nicely and looking gawjiss in the storage cupboards (plural) I bought for it 🤷🏽‍♀️😌 #NotSorry 🧶🗄🗄


"Accoutrements" is one of my favourite words!
Plus a good coffee maker is pretty much an investment these days, and you have kids, so it's kind of essential.


“…and scrubbed it real good.” Same girl🤣


Love it! Priorities, chaos and zero guilt!!!


This reminds me of how you can never really tell a person's situation just by looking at them. A woman might show up to a homeless shelter nicely dressed, carrying a nice purse with a wallet and cards and everything, but she might still legitimately have no place to go that night. Or maybe someone does have a place to sleep but they can't afford food. Maybe someone is recently homeless or just got kicked out of their place and so they still have nice stuff but their whole life just changed. Just a reflection on the fact that we should never judge.


Priorities, indeed!
I LOVE curbmart! Keep things out of the landfill AND save your $$$ for where You want to spend them❤


Gwena, I gotta say you & your hair look, _gorgeous darling!_ ❤❤❤❤❤


❤😂 I feel ya girl. I have a $1500 75" TV to play video games on but wear thrift store clothes. Whatever brings you joy babe. You do you boo. Much love. ❤🎉


The Christmas before I bought my first house, when I was in the depths of apartment hunting for shit-boxes I couldn’t afford, getting more and more disheartened every weekend, my mum bought me the white smeg toaster and mini kettle… I didn’t have a bench to put it on yet, but I put it away and waited… 3.5 months later I moved into my new home! A house no less, way better than the shitty appartments I had been looking at, better than I ever imagined I would ever own, and when I moved it it gave me much joy to take those appliances out and put them on my bench. And they looked so good that I went and treated myself to the matching espresso machine. It’s been over a year now and they still bring me joy. I make a lot of choices to forgo plenty of things, but I do like me a nice shiny “Italian” appliance.


I don't have an ultra high-end coffee pot, but I definitely have a fancy electric kettle to precisely heat water for my excess of loose leaf teas 😅
